So Analyzing Your Gut Microbiome Is Now The ‘In’ Way To Lose Weight, Increase Energy, And Improve Your General Overall Health… Is This Really A Technological Breakthrough? Or Just Another Way To Get Us To Part With Our Hard Earned Cash…?

viome essential plan reviewNow… Call us cynical, but when we came across the Viome Essential Plan, with its fancy website and bamboozling words, our initial thoughts were not particularly favourable. However, understanding our gut health, and in particular, the bacteria contained within it, is super-trendy right now. And, we have to admit, has a solid base in scientific fact. So naturally, we wanted to find out more.

The Viome Essential Plan isn’t the only such gut analysis product on the market today. But their advertising is saying that they truly are different (and better) than the rest. Of course, the only way for us to prove (or disprove) that fact was to get down and dirty with exactly what it was.

If you’re considering signing up, then you definitely need to read what we discovered. Because although we say so ourselves, it certainly makes for mighty interesting reading…

OR if you already have your mind made up, just click here to get the best deal on the Viome Essential Plan now.

What do you get for your money with Viome Essential Plan?

So, in a nutshell, the Viome Essential Plan is an uber-app that uses AI to analyse your gut and provide you with a bespoke diet that will cure all your ills. The reason for doing this is so that you can find the underlying cause of any current or future good health.

It works like this:

  • Step 1: You get an easy to use, at-home kit to collect a sample of your stool (yep, that really is necessary!). You then send this to the folks at Viome Essential.
  • Step 2: They feed your sample to a state of the art machine that uses artificial intelligence to analyse it. This is in order to understand what nutrients are being absorbed by your gut, which aren’t, what bacteria (both good and bad) are present, what toxins your gut contains, as well as any viruses that might be present.
  • Step 3: Within two weeks, your personal food and nutrient recommendations are made available to you.

All of this information is accessed by the Viome Essential Plan app, making it simple to keep with you wherever you go.

Why would I need this information?

It’s now widely accepted that pretty much every form of health issue can be traced back to the health of the gut. This is also called your ‘microbiome’. In short, this is the bacteria and internal workings of the small and large intestine. It’s a highly complicated area of the body, and one that needs to be kept in balance. The health of your microbiome directly influences every single other aspect of the body.

Scarily, almost all chronic diseases are caused by internal inflammation. And this begins with an unhealthy gut. If you get this right, then there are massive health implications for all of us. A microbiome that’s in balance can help with all kinds of problems, such as:

  • Making it far easier to lose excess weight
  • Increased energy
  • Mental clarity and reduced ‘brain fog’
  • A stronger immune system
  • Less likely to fall foul of all manner of chronic disease
  • Better digestion and absorption of food

The Viome Essential Plan will identify exactly the foods you need to get your gut health perfectly in balance. It will:

  • Identify the perfect ratio of carbs, proteins, and fats you as an individual need
  • Identify the foods that are most compatible with your personal metabolism
  • Recommend a diet to help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight
  • Recommend a diet that will increase your overall well being, plus increase your focus and energy
  • Show you how to introduce any missing bacteria you need for optimal health

>> Ready To Give It A Try?  Click Here To Get The Viome Essential Plan Now <<

Who is Viome Essential Plan for?

Understanding and improving the health of our microbiome is something that will benefit all of us. Get it right and there’s a whole host of benefits, such as:

And much, much more…

What’s the difference between this product and its competitors?

We have to say, the Viome Essential Plan really does stand out from its rivals. It identifies ALL of the microorganisms in the gut bacteria, including viruses, fungi, parasites, bacteriophages, yeast, and archea (others don’t and can’t be this in depth. It measures microbe functions, and can identify with metabolites are being produced and which are missing. It also allows the correlation of microbes and their functions with common chronic conditions, so it can make easily actionable recommendations. There is nothing else on the market that can do this.

The Pros and Cons of Viome Essential Plan

The Pros

  • Comes with a downloadable guide that explains in simple terms all that you need to understand about your microbiome.
  • Everything is spelled out for you, meaning it’s very easy to switch to the ideal diet for complete body health.
  • A healthy gut impacts your body in virtually every way imaginable. An increased immune system will ward off both acute and chronic health issues. It’s not scientifically proven that almost every health issue begins with poor gut health. Get that sorted and your whole all round health will improve.
  • The science used by Viome Essential Plan is unique, and far superior to everything else that’s on the market right now.

The Cons

  • The advertising for Viome Essential Plan is a little technical. For the average person (and we include ourselves in that description), the long words often mean nothing. However, the downloadable e-book does help with this, and is a lot more understandable for the lay person.

The Bottom Line

We have to say, we’re impressed. Viome Essential Plan is a far superior product than all of its competitors. And if you’re going to go the efforts of having your sample analysed, then you want to ensure that it’s as in-depth as possible.

The app is particularly impressive – well set out and easy to understand and follow. For anyone who wants to ensure that they live as healthy a life as possible, then the Viome Essential Plan can honestly help with all aspects of health. With issues such as obesity and chronic illness massively on the increase, you owe it to yourself to do all you can to ensure you remain in good health. The Viome Essential Plan is a very real method of doing this. It certainly gets the thumbs up from us…!

>>Click Here To Get Viome Essential Plan at The Best Deal Available Now<<

Really…! A Simple Supplement That’s As Effective (If Not Better) Than Surgery For Rejuvenating Your Skin And Literally Turning Back The Clock On The March Of Time…? Now This We Have To Take A Look At…

hydralyft review… Because, c’mon people! This things don’t work, do they…? Because Mother Nature takes her toll on the appearance of our skin. And much as we’d like to slow, stop, or even reverse the passage of time, it’s just not possible. Or especially not with a natural supplement…

Or can we…?

OK, OK… So we, like you, have been taken in by flashy advertising before. So when we came across HydraLyft then we were immediately cynical. But we couldn’t simply pass it by – because what if it really could bring about a major change in our skin…? So there was nothing left for us to do than to carry out some in-depth research into exactly what HydraLyft was. And more importantly, could it possible live up to its incredible claims…?

Read on to find out what we discovered. Because it is, we have to say, mighty interesting indeed…

OR if you have your mind already made up, just click here to get the best deal available.

What do you get for your money HydraLyft?

OK, so in short, HydraLyft is a daily, all-natural supplement that works on not only increasing the amount of collagen in your skin (you know that collagen is the elastic that keeps your skin fresh, youthful, tight, and beautiful, don’t you?), but also in preventing the collagen you have being destroyed. Because, horror of horrors, this is what happens if you don’t get the correct nutrients as you age.

The thing is, it doesn’t matter how much money you spend on expensive moisturisers, if you don’t provide your body with the correct nutrients, your skin becomes dry, crepey, and old looking – whatever you do.

So, Hydralyft contains exactly what you need to fight the skin aging process, and fight it from within.

  • Skin secret number 1: Bright Purple & Red Foods: Foods such as this (blackberries, chokeberries, egg plants, concord grapes, elderberries, and black raspberries) contain something called anthocyanins. And these are amazing natural sunblocks, that literally soak up the sun’s UV rays (you know that UV rays are one of the biggest enemies to your skin, right?). These little babies are your best friends when it comes to protecting your skin from sun damage. And in addition they have other amazing health benefits, such as fighting the good fight against heart disease, inflammation, diabetes, age-related neurodegenerative disease, and even cancers!
  • Skin secret number 2: Superoxide Dismutase: Or more simply, S.O.D. Now the important thing to know about this is that it’s a super antioxidant that is the ONLY one that neutralizes the most destructive of all free radical (yet another enemy when it comes to the aging process of skin). S.O.D. is found in the seeds of wheat plants that have been sprouted (and no, usual wheat just doesn’t cut it. It has to be this very specific part of the wheat seeds.
  • Skin secret number 3: Rebuild & protect your beautiful skin from the inside out: Clever, centuries old Chinese medicine is what’s needed here. And Hydralyft utilizes the most powerful and oldest of Chinese healing plants within its mix – Astralgaus. A plant that we in the west are only just beginning to understand how powerful it is – not only to slow or even reverse the skin’s aging process, but to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, prevents arterial plaque build up, reduces insulin resistance, prevents or reduces asthma attacks, and even treats HIV…!

HydraLyft contains the most powerful combination of ingredients that work with your body in these three unique ways – and work with it from within – with the effect of creating a more hydrated skin, a softer skin, a silkier skin, a healthier skin… In short, a skin that has a rejuvenated glow and the suppleness that it used to in the years of your youth…

In addition to the supplement you also get the following with your first purchase:

  • Bonus Report: The 5 Minute Facelift: This covers some incredible techniques, massages, muscle simulation, acupressure points, and the correct foods to eat that’ll firm and tighten the skin areas on the face and neck that are the first to fall foul of gravity. Used in combination with taking HydraLyft you’ll see faster and even more incredible results as to the appearance of your skin.
  • Bonus Report: Meridian Points For Age-Defying Eyes: An incredible collection of short, simple treatments that you can carry out at home that’ll flush toxins away from around the eyes, rejuvenate, bring the much-needed blood flow back to this area of your face. These have the incredible effect of making the eyes look less fatigued, fresher, awake, lively, and simply more beautiful and youthful

>> Ready to Try HydraLyft Now?  Click Here To See This Special Deal <<

Who is HydraLyft Review for?

Ladies and gentlemen… Do you want to look your very best? Do you want your skin to look way younger than your years? Do you want to not only stop the passage of time, but even reverse it? Would you like to do this without expensive surgery, destructive treatments (like skin or chemical peels), and without the danger or discomfort of treatments such as Botox? Well then, Hydralyft really could be the miracle you’ve been looking for.

And because it’s created from only natural ingredients, it really is suitable for everyone…

So what makes this different from other skin care supplements?

Well, rather a lot, actually. Firstly, the Astragalus it contains is certainly not what you find anywhere else. This is a formulated, proprietary, clinically proven, trademarked, and patented extract that simply cannot be found anywhere else. It is ONLY found in Hydralyft… Period!

In addition, Hydralyft contains unprecedented amounts of anthocyanins – from many different sources. These include three different types of oranges from the volcanic region surrounding Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy. The formula of this is again patented and trademarked, so it will never, ever be found in any other product.

These two incredible proprietary forms of these powerful ingredients are unique in the skin supplement market. And they’re what make Hydralyft almost miraculous in its skin rejuvenating effects…

The Pros and Cons of HydraLyft

The Pros

  • Contains a unique mix of ingredients that have been extensively studies and undergone a plethora of clinical trials to prove that they have an incredible effect on the youthfulness of the skin.
  • Super high quality, yet affordable skin care – this has been done intentionally so that beautiful skin can be accessible to all, not simply the uber-rich!
  • Created in the US, and using only the highest quality GMP certified manufacturers.
  • Naturally stimulates the levels of collagen within the skin by up to 80%. Protects the skin from UV sun damage. Reduces the enzyme that destroys collagen within the body, and naturally increases the process whereby the body plumps and hydrates the skin.

The Conshydralyft guarantee

  • Well, that’ll be your own disbelief that such a product could work. However, Hydralyft comes with an incredible money back guarantee. In fact, your purchase is guaranteed for a whole year. And not only that, at any point during that year, if you’re not completely satisfied, you can return the bottle (even if it’s empty) and receive a 100% refund. Now that, we have to say, is truly putting your money where your mouth is…

The Bottom Line

Wow…! That’s all we have to say… Wow….! Because without a doubt, Hydralyft really does deliver. If you want beautiful skin, then forget spending hundreds, thousands (or more) on crazy moisturizers, lotions, potions, injections, skin peels, or even surgery – because the answer you’re looking for is here, in the simple format of the all-natural supplement, Hydralyft.

It’s affordable, and more importantly, it works. We have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending this product. It’s a winner. And if you give it a try we just KNOW that you’ll be as wowed as we are. Awesome…!

>>Click Here To Get HydraLyft at The Best Deal Available Now<<

Bright Line Eating has just released 2 important videos

[+] Video – Discover the 1 Huge Mistake Almost Everyone Makes When They Try to Lose Weight – Not About What You Eat or How You Exercise

[+] Free Video – How to Rewire Your Brain for Food Freedom

Really…! Another ‘Guaranteed’ Method To Lose Weight… And, Of Course, It Promises To Be Different From All Those Other Weight Loss Programs You’ve Tried In The Past…

reboot rezoom reviewYeah, right…! So we should just take their word for it and blindly send them our hard earned cash…? No way, sireeee! Because if you’re anything like us, then you’ve been caught out before by clever words and schamncy videos… So for us to even consider taking Reboot Rezoom by Bright Line Eating even slightly seriously, then we were gonna have to do some serious digging….

And when we get going we won’t rest until we uncover the REAL truth behind such a program. So if you’re considering – even very slightly – sending these guys your money, then be sure to read what we found out. Because, let’s face it, losing weight is hard enough on its own. The last thing you need is to lose out on money as well…

What do you get for your money with Reboot Rezoom? 

OK, so in short, Reboot Rezoom by Bright Line Eating is a scientifically proven program that works not by telling you what to eat, but by instead focusing on your brain. Because it’s your brain that tells you what and when to eat…

Makes sense so far…? Well, read on…

The program has its roots in the most cutting edge psychology and neuroscience, and is the brainchild of Susan Peirce Thompson – a doctor who is perfectly suited to have created such a product. Now, we’ll talk more about her in a moment. But first, let’s look more deeply into what Reboot Rezoom by Bright Line Eating really is.

  • The program works with your brain, instead of against it: The whole process adopts very clear, unambiguous boundaries so you completely understand exactly what you can and can’t eat. In fact, it’s based on an addiction model, because believe it or not, most weight issues are down to cravings for the many addictive foods that sabotage our weight loss journey.
  • Willpower: This is the first of the three ways that Reboot Rezoom by Bright Line Eating works. It shows you exactly how to build habits that take the load off of willpower. (Very important, because how many times has your willpower simply crumbled, and you end up stuffing the very foods that are making you fat in the first place…?)
  • Leptin: And here is where it starts getting interesting. Because Leptin is the hormone that tells you that you’re not feeling hungry any more, and also gets you actually wanting to get up off your butt and start being active. Once your brain once again becomes sensitive to this important hormone, you’ll finally feel like you’re satisfied after eating, and bring back that bounce in your step.
  • Reboot Rezoom: This occurs by rewiring and healing those addictive centers of the brain. Yes, it actually means that you’ll be able to wave goodbye to those relentless cravings that make you eat the foods you shouldn’t.

The whole program is a structured, long term eating ‘movement’ (don’t think of it as a diet, as this is not designed to leave you hungry and wanting more) that gives you a clear, structured approach to nutrition. It’s designed to change your eating habits for life, allowing you to lose any amount of excess weight, and to reap all the health benefits that come with it.

You’ll fill in a detailed form about your eating habits, and weight loss goals. This will give you a personalized Susceptibility Scale. Once you’ve got this, Reboot Rezoom will provide you with your personalized eating plan, and give you the complete roadmap and tools you need to successfully chart your weight loss path.

Who is Reboot Rezoom for?

Because Reboot Rezoom by Bright Line Eating is so strategically personalized, it’s for absolutely everyone. Your personal Susceptibility Scale score will enable the program to laser target what you need for your personal needs, and will help you achieve your weight loss goal and health improvements.

This is, finally, a weight loss program that’s for life…! It’s for anyone who wants to get to (and, more importantly, REMAIN, at their ideal weight). And to do it in a healthy manner, and once and for all get rid of those awful cravings that constantly seem to sabotage your weight loss efforts.

Who the heck is Susan Peirce Thompson?

susan peirce thompson reboot rezoomThompson is the founder and CEO of Bright Line Eating and the Reboot Rezoom program. A former fatty herself, she well understands the eating issues that blight so many of us: Binging, weight gain, depression, sleep issues, therapy, work/school… You know how it goes…

With an intense background in science and cognitive medicine, it made sense that she eventually moved into fully understanding the real psychology and neuroscience of truly successful weight loss – first for herself, and then to help others. She looks amazing now, and so do those who follow her ‘Psychology of Eating’. She further developed her successful program into what we now call know as Reboot Rezoom from Bright Line Eating.

The Pros and Cons of Reboot Rezoom

The Pros

  • A personalized eating plan that works for your particular body type, weight, and lifestyle.
  • Structured, making it easy to follow with no difficult to understand about what you can and can’t eat.
  • No restrictive portion sizes. You’ll be eating plenty of food and will never be left feeling hungry.
  • Designed to work with your brain to get rid of cravings for unhealthy foods once and for all.

The Cons

  • OK, so this is not a ‘quick fix’. This is about following a structured, carefully designed program that will see you losing excess weight in a healthy and controlled manner. Fast weight loss plans DON’T work, as we’re all far too well aware of. Reboot Rezoom by Bright Line Eating is about changing your mindset to one that works in harmony with your body, rather than against it. It’s about losing that weight once and for all, feeling more energetic, and returning to the healthy and active person that you used to be.

The Bottom Line

Well, well, well…! How very refreshing… Because at last we’ve come across a truly different ‘diet’ program. Because Reboot Rezoom by Bright Line Eating isn’t about restriction of foods. It’s about retraining your whole relationship with food. And by providing you with very clear-cut guidelines, it’s simplicity itself to follow. Not to mention we love the fact that it’s specifically tailored to your personal requirements.

OK, so it might not be easy to follow (at first). But if you hang in there and get through the first few days, you really will be on the road to a happier, healthier (and lighter) you. Reboot Rezoom by Bright Line Eating works – period…! And if you give it a try, it really can work for you too…

Other Resources by Bright Line Eating We Think You’ll Enjoy.

[+] The Badly Behaving Brain – Why 2 Billion People Can’t Lose Weight & What You Should Do Instead

[+] Free Food Freedom Video Series

Oh No…! Not Another Health Supplement That ‘Guarantees’ Us The Answer To Deep, Satisfying Sleep… If You Suffer From Insomnia Or Any Kind Of Sleep Problem, Then Be Sure To Read Our Review Before You Send These Guys A Single Red Cent Of Your Hard Earned Cash…

american dreamz reviewBecause, let’s face it, an inability to get a decent night’s sleep is a life-changing affliction. And one that no-one can truly appreciate unless they suffer themselves. Yep – we too are among the millions who regularly fail to get the regular slumber we need to function at our best. And believe us when we say that we’ve tried virtually EVERYTHING…!

So when we came across American Dreamz, a supplement from the Patriot Health Alliance and Dr. Arlan Cage, we were naturally interested. And highly cynical… If you’re thinking of giving American Dreamzzz a try, then please, please read what we found out when we gave the supplement our full attention…

What do you get for your money with American DreamZzz?

Now, American DreamZzz promises that it provides us with what it calls a, ‘new breakthrough formula’. This includes a miracle ingredient that promises that it’ll give you the deep restorative sleep you crave within a week of starting the supplement. Oh, and a little something that’ll help you fall asleep and lower stress levels within the very first hour…!

So let’s look at the ingredients contained in American Dreamz in a little more detail:

  • Melatonin: This targets one of the main problems many have when it comes to sleep, and that’s a raised core temperature. This is a real enemy when it comes to falling asleep. But melatonin lowers the body temperature and helps trigger sleep. In fact, it helps you fall asleep an average of 48 minutes faster
  • Tryptophan: Another major villain in the sleep stakes is increased levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Tryptophan gently lowers the levels of cortisol, and also increases the feel good hormone, serotonin, and the sleep hormone, melatonin. It helps you reach and maintain a truly deep sleep, each and every night.
  • GABA: This helps you to fall asleep faster. In fact, the effects begin within 30 minutes. It also helps you stay asleep throughout the whole night, lowers cortisol levels, and helps you get to that necessary deep sleep phase to wake up feeling truly refreshed and energised.
  • Lactium: This actually increases your body’s level of GABA, so helping you fall asleep in the first place, and then to stay asleep. It also increases the amount of that necessary deep sleep we all need.
  • Odor-free Valerian: As the name suggests, this has no offensive odor (as is so often found in sleep supplements). It increases levels of GABA, helps you fall asleep faster (up to an hour faster), sleep for longer (2 hours on average), and increases the amount of deep restorative sleep.
  • Theanine: Lowers cortisol levels within thee hours, helps calm you within one hour, lowers the heart rate (necessary to get to sleep), blocks the effects of caffeine and other stimulating chemicals, and helps reduce grogginess when you wake.

When you make your first order you also receive some free gifts, which are other products from the Patriot Health Alliance. These are a bottle of Patriot Flex, a three day supply of Patriot Power Greens, and a report about sleep entitled, The Ugly Myth That is Costing Seniors Their Health.

Who is American Dreamz for?

Now, American Dreamz is targeting those over the age of 50. And this is because this is the most common time of life when failing to get the sleep we need becomes an issue. And sure, it’s the perfect all-natural supplement for this market. However, if you’re having trouble getting a decent sleep on a regular basis, whatever your age, then American Dreamz could well be the answer you’ve been looking for.

Who the heck is Dr. Arlan Cage?

dr arlan american dreamzWell, we have to admit that Cage is a pretty impressive figure in the world of natural medicine. He’s spent his whole career helping people overcome some of the most widespread health conditions through natural and holistic healthcare. He’s been in the field for close to two decades, and his patients number in the hundreds of thousands (and that’s a very conservative estimate).

He was president of the California Naturopathic Doctor’s Association, and is the go-to guy for any high-league entity looking for the very latest advice in natural medicine. In addition, he’s always been laser focused on sleep, and how we can all guarantee that we get the healthy amount we need on a regular basis.

The Pros and Cons of American Dreamz

The Pros

  • Contains a unique combination of ingredients that target the five roadblocks of failing to get a good night’s sleep: trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, not getting enough deep sleep, a racing mind, the effects of caffeine and blue light keeping you awake.
  • Helps regulate two of the main reasons behind a poor sleep pattern: high levels of cortisol and a raised core temperature.
  • The supplement has been created on the back of sound scientific research, including that from studies from MIT and Yale University.
  • Contains only natural ingredients, and is also suitable for those who’re lactose intolerant (even though one of the ingredients, Lactium, comes from milk).

The Consamerican dreamz guarantee

  • OK… Do even though all the ingredients are completely natural, if you have a pre-existing medical condition or take any prescription meds, you should absolutely consult your health care provider before commencing use of this supplement.

The Bottom Line

Well… We have to say that we’re impressed. And we certainly don’t say that very often… American Dreamz is, without a doubt, the very best all-natural supplement we’ve ever come across that can help with each and every kind of sleep issue.

But you know, you don’t even need to take our word for it. Because the supplement comes with a lifetime, 100% (and in some cases, a 200%) money back guarantee. So you really can try it out risk free…! And that’s tantamount proof as to how confident the makers are that American Dreamz will work for you. It’s a stand out awesome product. Try it and prepare to be amazed. Because we were, that’s for sure…

The Answer To Your Chronic Knee Pain – Without A Single Drug, Injection, Surgery, Or Doctor’s Intervention…? Sounds Way Too Good To Be True, Doesn’t It…?

feel good knees review… And we’re very wary when a product sounds that way… Now, we’re going to take a wild guess here. And that’s that if you’re reading this review, then you, or someone you love, suffers from knee pain. We’re betting you’ve tried everything to ease it. From heat pads to ice packs, injections, exercise, physio, drugs (and more drugs), and perhaps you’ve even succumbed to the surgeon’s knife.

The very fact that you’re here right now is proof that none of it’s worked. You still suffer life-impeding pain from those darn knees… So when we came across Feel Good Knees, a product from Todd Kuslikis, we have to say that our interest was piqued. However, there was no way we were simply going to take the marketing spiel as gospel. Oh no… We wanted (needed!) to get the real lowdown as to whether Feel Good Knees could bring the relief you crave.

Below is what we discovered when we dug deep. And if you’re thinking of making a purchase, then boy-oh-boy do you need to read what we found out. And to do so before spending a single red cent on the product…

OR if you already have your mind made up, just click here to get Feel Good Knees.

What do you get for your money Feel Good Knees?

OK… So Feel Good Knees is an all-natural method that provides you with scientifically proven, yet gentle, ritual of exercise that fights the very root cause of your knee pain. There are three causes of chronic joint pain.

  • Cellular Inflammation: The leading cause of joint pain in adults over 45.
  • Postural Misalignment: Even the slightest of misalignment in the knees causes a 70-90% increase in added stress inside the joint. This creates long-term harmful effects, such as osteoarthritis. If you’re also overweight, this only serves to amplify the problem.
  • Cartilage Deterioration: Instability of one of the leading causes of cartilage breakdown. Often referred to as, ‘loose joints, this means that the cartilage is being injured and breaking down on a daily basis.

Feel Good Knees is all about discovering the easy to follow isometric exercises that have been scientifically proven to not only ease your pain, but to actively target these very three causes.

When you sign up your receive the following:

  • The 5 Minute Feel Good Knees Method: As the name suggests, this method takes only 5 minutes per day to do. The exercises are quick, easy, and can provide an incredible amount of pain relief in a surprisingly short amount of time. There are 3 levels that you work through as your knee pain reduces and your joints strengthen and become healthy once again.

These simple isometric exercises will help you to regrow health cartilage in the knee (and yes, despite what’s commonly believed, it’s been proven in two ground-breaking studies that it IS possible for the cartilage to repair and heal. The exercises also cause the body to increase joint fluid, therefore lubricating the joint and decreasing pain.

In addition the exercises cause a reduction in inflammation, and better joint mobility. They also improve the strength in the muscles surrounding the knee, and help with the stability and realignment of the kneecap.

  • The Feel Good Knees Companion Guide: Here you get a visual guide of how to perform each of the exercises. There’s both a text and pictorial descriptions that show you how to correctly perform the complete 5-minute routine. In addition there are exercise modifications that you might need to take advantage of, depending on the severity of your knee pain.
  • The Feel Good Knees Pain Reduction Tracker: A great way to track the reduction of your pain. It also ensures you stay on track and have a visual reminder that you need to carry out the short exercises.
  • The Feel Good Knees Video Library: Sometimes there’s no better instruction guide than actually being able to see how to perform an exercise. Here you not only get videos, but also an explanation of how the exercise should feel.
  • 1 Minute Rejuvenation Finishers: As the name suggests, these are 1 minute long ‘extras’ that you can carry out at the end of your daily routine, or whenever you have a spare moment. These will further aid your speed of recovery.
  • Postural Alignment Guide: A video tutorial that will show you easy adjustments to your posture that you probably aren’t even aware of, but that are causing your knees to hurt even more.

Who is Feel Good Knees for?

Got knee pain? Of any degree? Then Feel Good Knees is for you. And whilst it’s probably going to hit the radar of those who’re over the age of 45, it’s suitable for anyone of any age. This is a method to not only reduce the pain in your knees, but to actively heal the root cause of the problem!

>> Ready To Try Feel Good Knees?  Just Click Here Now <<

Who the heck is Todd Kuslikis?

todd kuslikis feel good kneesKuslikis is an injury prevention expert based in Michigan. He’s dedicated his life to the intricate workings of the human body. He’s taken the wisdom of both Eastern and Western holistic practices to speed up the natural healing process of the body. His background is in Nursing, personal training, and human physiology – he gained his master’s degree at Western Michigan University. For the past 15 years he’s studied and perfected a massive amount of knowledge into how the body can, with some clever help, literally heal itself. And it’s this that he uses to help his global patient base of over 100,000 people to improve or even cure both minor and major musculoskeletal issues.

He helps a broad range of people, from professional sports people to those in the military; Nursing home residents to every day folk like you and us.

The Pros and Cons of Feel Good Knees

The Pros

  • The regime is easy to follow, and takes only 5 minutes per day.
  • Has been clinically proven to be more effective than anti-inflammatory drugs at relieving the pain of inflammation.
  • Feel Good Knees treats the actual cause of knee pain, rather than simply masking the symptoms.
  • By reducing the actual cause of your knee pain there are a whole host of other beneficial side effects, including that of weight loss thanks to your increased mobility.

The Consfeel good knees guarantee

  • Well, that’ll be your own stubbornness to believe that you can cure your chronic knee problem with exercise alone. But let’s be very clear here – this method really is scientifically proven to do exactly as it promises. And it comes with an iron-clad, 100% money back guarantee if you don’t very quickly start to notice improvements in your knee pain and associated quality of life.

The Bottom Line

Wow! That’s all we have to say… Wow! Because Feel Good Knees really doesn’t need any hard sell, because it works – pure and simple! Imagine life without knee pain, or indeed, without having to take pain relieving drugs with all their nasty side effects. If you follow the simple 5 minute regime of Feel Good Knees, then this really could be your reality.

And with the 60 day, 100% money back guarantee, you can try it out at absolutely no risk whatsoever… There really is nothing to lose. Except, that is, the pain. Feel Good Knees is going to change a whole lot of lives for the better. A stand out amazing product…!

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