Eat Carbs And Stay Thin…? Eat Carbs And Actively Lose Weight…? Is This Really The Dietary Supplement You’ve Been Searching For That’ll See You Lose The Flab Once And For All…?

ultra primal lean review… Or is it simply another money making scam that draws you in via your burgeoning need to lose weight..? We have to say, we’re pretty sure that it’s the latter. Because Ultra Primal Lean is telling us that all you need do to ‘activate your five weight loss triggers’ is to eat as the Japanese do. And that includes stuffing yourself with rice and noodles…

We have to say, we’re gonna take some convincing…

But never let it be said that we ‘dis’ a product before we’ve proven that it’s a load of BS. And, we’ve been surprised in the past (although admittedly, not very often). So there was nothing else for us to do than to jump into bed with Ultra Primal Lean, and find out if it really does offer us anything at all in the likelihood that it’ll see you lose weight.

Below is what we discovered. And we highly suggest you read our research BEFORE you send these guys a single red cent of your hard earned cash. You have been warned…!

OR if you already have your mind made up and want to get Primal Force Ultra Primal Lean now, just click here.

What do you get for your money with Ultra Primal Lean?

So, the advertising hook behind Ultra Primal Lean is that the Japanese eat shed loads of carbs, but remain skinny. And according to the brains behind the product, this is all to do with a protein called UCP1. Because there’s a ton of new research that says if you can activate this, then your body will release stored fat and burn it up for energy.

Now, Ultra Primal Lean is a daily supplement in capsule form that claims to cause your body to do just that. So what does it contain? And why should we believe that it can honestly help you ditch the excess weight…? Well, it’s because the ingredients it contains turn on five of the bodies fat burning triggers. And these are:

  • The fat burning trigger: So your body breaks down fat cells and utilizes them for energy
  • The carb metabolizing trigger: So when you eat carbs they’re instantly converted to energy
  • The fullness trigger: So you feel fuller, more satisfied, and don’t overeat
  • The blood sugar trigger: Meaning your cravings vanish into think air
  • The ‘thin’ hormone trigger: Supports healthy hormone levels to help you shed fat and control the actual formation of fat cells.

And it achieves all of this because it’s created from a combination of all-natural ingredients that have all been scientifically proven to up this protein – UCP1 – and literally turn your body into a fat burning machine…!

Some of the ingredients are:

  • A fruit grown in Africa called Irvingia gabonesis. A natural substance that resets the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel.
  • White kidney bean extract. Proven to prevent carbs being turned into fat, and prevents fat gain when you eat carbs or processed foods.
  • An Asian citrus fruit called Garcinia cambogia. This literally turns on your fullness trigger, telling your brain that you’ve had enough to eat.
  • A mineral called Chromium Picolinate that supports healthy blood sugar levels, banishes cravings, reduces hunger, and helps the body burn fat and increase lean body mass.
  • An edible seaweed called Fucoxanthin that tells the body to break down fat, and then sends messages to your brain that tells you that you’re full

Together these ingredients create a literal holy grail of fat burning, causing you to lose weight, have increased energy, and reap all the health benefits that go along with it…

Who is Ultra Primal Lean for?

Fed up with carrying excess weight…? Had enough of yo-yo dieting…? Can’t cope with the ‘exercise more, eat less’ regime that you’ve tried so many times before…? Just want to be able to eat a sensible amount and at last lose those pounds that lovingly cling to your thighs, belly, arms, back, or wherever…? Want to reap all the health benefits that genuine weight loss brings…?

Then Ultra Primal Lean might as well have been tailor-made for you. Because this is a long term solution to help you lose weight once and for all. Without the need to starve yourself or undertake crazy exercise regimes…

>> Click Here If You’re Ready To Get Ultra Primal Lean Now <<

Who the heck is Dr. Al Sears, MD?

dr al sears ultra primal force native restSears is the guy behind the creation of Ultra Primal Lean. And we have to say, he’s certainly no fly by night – the guy is a legend when it comes to natural health, anti-aging, and weight loss. He’s dedicated over two decades of his life to rooting out the latest cutting edge research in natural health. So if we were gonna put our money on anyone bringing us a genuine weight loss dietary supplement, then it would have to be him…

He also has many other supplements under the Primal Force brand like Native Rest and Focus IQ.

The Pros and Cons of Ultra Primal Lean

The Pros

  • The carefully created blend of all natural ingredients in Ultra Primal Lean have been scientifically proven to increase your body’s natural ability to burn fat for fuel.
  • Uniquely formulated to re-ignite your body’s five weight loss triggers. Burn fat, block carbs, feel fuller, support healthy blood sugars, and balance weight loss hormones.
  • Genuinely reduces hunger pangs and lessens cravings.
  • Comes with a no quibble, 90-day, 100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase – even if the bottle’s completely empty…!

The Consultra primal force native rest satisfaction guaranteed

  • OK, folks… It all sounds wonderful, doesn’t it. But a word of sanity in all this hyperbole. There is no dietary supplement in the world that will see you lose weight for good unless you meet it half way. So you are going to have to combine use of this with some healthy eating. And hey! If you can increase your exercise levels by just a little (walk to the store instead of drive – play with the grandkids in the back yard – do the housework instead of paying someone else to do it – you get the picture), then your results will be even more dramatic…

The Bottom Line

We have to say, we’re impressed… Truly impressed. And we definitely weren’t expecting to be. Because Ultra Primal Lean honestly is a genuine aid to helping you lose weight once and for all. Sure! It’s not a miracle pill that’s gonna see your fat melt away overnight (because such a thing simply doesn’t exist). But what it does do is assist your body to increase it’s internal ability to burn fat – and this really is the latest in cutting edge research.

Be sensible and use Ultra Primal Lean as a part of your weight loss journey, and it really could see your efforts ramp up to the max. Not only that, but once the weight has gone, it’ll actually stay off, because your body will once again be metabolizing food in the way it’s meant to. As weight loss supplements go, Ultra Primal Lean is perhaps the best we’ve ever come across. And we certainly don’t give praise like that very often…

>>Click Here To Get Ultra Primal Lean at The Best Deal Available Now<<


Improve Your Memory, IQ, And Sheer Brain Power  – No Matter How Old You Might Be – Courtesy Of JFK…! Oh – And The Tech Is Being Used Right Now To Enhance The Brightest And Most Important Minds In The Country…! But The Research Has Been All Hushed Up…

primal force focus iq review… Until now, that is. When this Pentagon research has landed in the lap of one Dr. Al Sears, MD, who is ‘risking everything’ to bring you the knowledge…. Now, you’ll excuse us if we take a moment to regain our composure after a bout of hysterical laughter…

Because – come on, people…! Do you honestly think that we’re naïve enough to simply swallow such sensationalized, conspiracy theory advertising…?

However… We can’t simply ignore such a product. Because – what if the guy’s on to something? So we’ve begrudgingly put out cynicism to one side, and put all our efforts into finding out if there’s even a single iota of truth behind the claims of Primal Force Focus IQ. And if you’re considering a purchase, then boy-oh-boy are you gonna want to read what we found out…

Or if you have your mind made up, just click here now to get Primal Force Focus IQ.

What do you get for your money with Primal Force Focus IQ?

OK, so in short, Primal Force Focus IQ is an all-natural supplement that supports brain health. It’s created by Dr. Al Sears, MD, who we’ll talk about more in a moment. But the USP behind the product is that it uses the very latest in cutting edge research to bring us a unique combination of natural ingredients that support the brain in an incredible number of ways.

Now, we’re gonna put the conspiracy theory angle of advertising to one side. Because the only thing we’re interested in is this: does the damn stuff actually work…?

So let’s look at the facts. And these are very simple. Because what the ingredients have been proven to do is to support the natural biological process of the body to not only protect the brain, but to actively help it regenerate. And this means benefits such as super-functioning electrical signals, and that equals amazing memory and brain power.

The ingredients of the supplement include the following:

  • Centella asiatica: A herb that’s been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, it’s prized because it enhances nearly every single aspect of mental function. But it does so without unwanted side effects, such as over stimulation, energy crashes, and the jitters. It supports the brain’s connective tissue, meaning that it helps the electrical signals move through at super high speed. And this equals super fast memory, recall, and intelligence.
  • Ginko Bilboa: This extract of a tree that’s stood on the planet for 270 million years is scientifically proven to super charge your brain to amazing effect. It substantially improves working and long term memory, can improve concentration by up to 25%, and significantly improves the speed of attention, and the amount of time you can sustain that attention.
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine: A natural, super-antioxidant that’s been proven to enhance neural pathways by a massive 3 times! It also plays a massive part in helping older brains regrow billions of lost cells and neurons. This can lead to a dramatic increase in all things memory related.
  • Baicalin: A natural brain nutrient that’s been shown to regenerate new brain cells by up to 67%…!
  • Gotu Kola: Scientifically proven to support new brain neurons and the accelerated growth of new axons.
  • Glucamate: A neurotransmitter that helps you learn, understand, and process new skills.
  • Dopamine: A neurotransmitter that helps you prioritize, set goals, multi-task, and, most importantly, remain positive.
  • Serotonin: Another neurotransmitter that assists good sleep and regulates emotions.
  • Vinopcetine: A plant that enhances cerebral blood flow. This in turn increases concentration, memory function, and mental energy.

In addition, when you make your first order you also receive an e-report that brings you a simple system designed to further improve your personal brain power. It’s called, Ageless Mind, and makes for, we have to admit, absolutely fascinating reading…

>> Click Here Now To Get Dr Al Sears Primal Force Focus IQ <<

Who is Primal Force Focus IQ for?

This one’s easy… Because it’s for everyone…!  Let’s face it, the more you can do to protect and empower your brain, the better. The carefully curated combination of natural ingredients prompts better neuron communication, vital connective tissue regeneration, protection against toxins and chemicals, improve cerebral blood flow, gives laser sharp focus and recall, increases mental energy and performance, banishes brain fog, helps with attention, concentration, and learning, improves memory, helps you feel more positive and deal with stress better… The list goes on.

And it works, no matter what age you are. Young or old, we can all benefit from the amazing effects of Primal Force Focus IQ.

Who the heck is Dr. Al Sears, MD?

al sears primal force focus iqOK, so Sears is certainly a guy we’ve got a lot of time for. He’s one of the leading names in all things anti-aging. The man scours the planet to find the latest cutting edge research in natural medical breakthroughs – and so successful is he that he’s become a virtual legend in his field.

He’s dedicated more than two decades to his study, and only brings products to market once they’re absolutely proven to do what they promise. And Primal Force Focus IQ is certainly no exception. It’s probably the most unique, on the edge, and genuine totally natural brain formula on the market today. In fact, Sears is so confident in his product that it comes with a no questions asked, 90 day, 100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied – even if the bottle’s completely empty…!

The Pros and Cons of Primal Force Focus IQ

The Pros

  • Scientifically proven to dramatically improve memory – no matter what your age or how much it’s deteriorated
  • Protects the brain cells. This effectively means you can rest safe in the knowledge that you’re doing everything you can to remain sharp and focused, no matter how many years have passed you by.
  • Significantly increases the most important antioxidant needed by the brain – a substance known as Glutathione. This lead to a high functioning, high performing brain.
  • Can actually support the regrowth of lost brain cells and neurons. And not only that – it’s a wonderful enhancer for positivity and happiness, thanks to providing you with the ability to think better under stress.

The Consprimal force focus iq guarantee

  • Well, without a doubt it’s the completely over-hyped advertising. We hate it! And the thing is, we don’t understand why their marketing team has taken this approach. Because Primal Force Focus IQ is a quality enough product in its own right, and simply doesn’t need such an angle. If you’re reading this, guys – then take a little tip from us. Treat the American public with the respect they deserve, please. Just give us the facts – without the hyperbole. Because believe it or not, that’s all a good advertising campaign really needs. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth – period!

The Bottom Line

OK, so advertising aside, we have to say that Primal Force Focus IQ is actually a pretty damn amazing product.  It really is backed by a whole bunch of valid scientific research that proves without a doubt that if you nourish your brain with the right ingredients, you can benefit from a laser sharp memory, no matter what your age.

But not only that, the specific combination of ingredients contained within Primal Force Focus IQ can actually reverse damage that’s already happened. And let’s face it, who hasn’t worried at some point about losing their brain power as they age. The addition of this all-natural supplement into your daily regime really can put you at ease knowing that you’re actively supporting the health of your brain. In fact, we like it so much that we recommend every single US citizen should add Primal Force Focus IQ to their healthy lifestyle. It’s an awesome product – and from us, that really is praise indeed…

>>Click Here To Get Primal Force Focus IQ at The Best Deal Available Now<<

Is This The Ultimate Guide And System To Complete Nutrition And Health…? Or Is It Just A Compilation Of Information That’s Already Well Known…? In Other Words, Is Dr. Carl Bamlet’s Program Really Cutting Edge, Or Is It Just A Waste Of Your Hard Earned Cash…?

food, health and you reviewNo-one can have failed to miss the ever-increasing media hype about our poor nutrition choices having a massive effect on the health of America. Words such as ‘microbiome’ are becoming commonplace, and never in modern history have so many US citizens been suffering from so many life debilitating and life limiting diseases.

So a product such as Food, Health, and You might seem a pretty good one to purchase. However, in this world of online information at our fingertips, it seems that anyone can proclaim themselves an ‘expert’, and begin selling whatever they fancy – even if it is a load of rubbish. At first glance, Food, Health, and You seems to be exactly what you need to increase your knowledge about nutrition and your health. But is it honestly worth your money? That’s what we wanted to find out.

So, of course, we decided that the only way to find this out was to dive headlong into what’s on offer. And, although we say so ourselves, what we discovered was vereeeee interesting indeed….

What do you get for your money with Food, Health and You?

Right then… In short, The Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System is a combination of visual episode, cook books, companion guides, and tech. The system contains some pretty shocking revelations that will blow common misconceptions about nutrition sky high, not to mention taking you on an in-depth discovery into how what you eat has a massive effect on your overall health.

So let’s break it down into what you actually receive.

  • 8 Original Episodes: In both DVD and physical format, each covering information about topics such as nutrition and stress, nutrition and long term health, nutrition and diseases such as diabetes and cancer, nutrition and gut health, nutrition and auto-immune disease, and nutrition as medicine. Each episode also contains interviews with world leading experts, survival experts, and those who’ve successfully used food as medicine, and the scientific research behind this.
  • 4 Further Episodes: Discussing topics such as soy, inflammation, depression, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Companion Guides: These help consolidate your learning and, more importantly, encourage you to easily make healthy changes in your nutritional choices.
  • Transformational Cookbook: In both PDF and hard copy, exactly as it sounds, delicious recipes that’ve been created to help you easily make the transition to healthy living and eating.
  • The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing: Discover the amazing foodstuffs that are scientifically proven to heal many of the health issues that blight so many of us in the US today. In both PDF and hard copy.
  • The 21 Day Meal Plan: Needs no further explanation. But suffice to say, this is an excellent way to begin your healthy eating journey, and begin the habits that will truly turn your health (and life) around. In PDF and hard copy.

Who is Food, Health and You for?

In short…. Food, Health, and You is for each and every one of us. It matters not how old you are (or young), how fit or fat you might be, whether you’re healthy or unhealthy. The facts are clear – your really are what you eat. And the sooner you take control of your nutrition, the sooner you’ll be living a healthier, longer, and more motivated life.

If you’ve ever struggled with ill health (even something as simple as bloating, gas, or runny stools)… If you’ve ever been confused about what’s really healthy to eat… If you’ve ever thrown your hands up in defeat because, much as you try to eat ‘right, there’s seems to be conflicting evidence around every corner… Well, Food, Health, and You really will be the product you need that makes everything clear once and for all.

So how can following the advice given improve my life?

In many, many ways. For instance, some simply changes can improve well-being, reduce the chances of picking up bugs and viruses, and support more stable moods. It can prevent inflammation within the body – something that is now fully accepted as being the major culprit for virtually every disease known to man. Eating correctly can see you losing weight, boosting your energy, and increasing your metabolism. It can slow the aging process and guard against diseases such as dementia. The right diet can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as having a really positive impact on your mental health.

The Pros and Cons of Food, Health and You

The Pros

  • Engaging and interesting episodes. Even though the content is serious, it’s delivered in such a way that you’ll be transfixed from beginning to end.
  • The information is brought to you by experts, scientists, and world leading health figures who have absolutely no affiliation to any food companies or big corporations. Their sole motivation is to expose the lies and medical untruths that are being encouraged by those who simply want to make profits, and to bring you the very real truth about nutrition in the 21st century.
  • The advice given is realistic. You won’t have to make massive, complicated changes to your diet to take full advantage of healthy eating.
  • The correct nutrition really can address the root cause of many different health issues. Get this right, and it honestly can be life changing…

The Consfood, health and you guarantee

  • Well, that’ll be that you’re going to discover that many of the ‘truths’ you’ve believed for so long are, in fact, a big fat lie. The thing is, the food industry (and medical industry) exists for a single reason – to make profits. And whilst they might not actually ‘lie’, they do have many reasons (billions of dollars of reasons) to actively suppress truths, or to not deny untruths that have become urban legend…

The Bottom Line

Well, we have to say, we’ve been totally blown out of the water with the quality of Food, Health, and You… We have never, ever, seen such a massive amount of top quality, scientifically proven, cutting edge information about nutrition together in one place before. In short, if you honestly do care about the health of you and your family, then you NEED to know the Intel that’s contained within this product.

And hey! You don’t even need to take our word for it… Because the whole product comes with a 60 day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied. Not that we think you’ll use it, because Food, Health, and You really is everything it’s cracked up to be – and more. A great product, and one you certainly won’t be sorry that you’ve purchased. Awesome…

OMG…! Not Another Course That Promises To Show You How To Exercise Less But Achieve More Results… Because, Come On… It’s Simple, Isn’t It…? Effort In = The End Result. And There’s Simply No Way To Fast Track And Get The Body Of Your Dreams Without A Massive Amount Of Hard Work – Is There…?

pace express reviewOK, so you want your exercise efforts to reap the best results they can… Of course you do. No matter what stage you are along your personal fitness path, we all want or workouts to bring us the body we’re chasing. So when we came across Pace Express, a workout program that promises it’s going to ramp up the speed we see results – but WITHOUT having to work harder, we were, we have to admit, pretty damn cynical.

However… The one saving grace that made us give the program a second glance is that it’s been created by a doctor that we’ve got a great deal of time for. And that’s Dr. Al Sears, MD. Now, we’ll talk more about him in a bit. But first of all let’s delve into exactly what you get, and the results you can expect, when you sign up for the phenomenon that’s taking the world by storm…

OR if you already have your mind made up, just click here now to get Dr Al Sears Pace Express.

What do you get for your money with Pace Express?

OK, so Pace Express is a complete fitness program that’s designed to cause maximum fat loss. Now, you’ve probably heard of what’s called the ‘Fat Burning Zone’, which is an out-dated belief that you need to work your body at a certain heart rate to burn the maximum fat. And sure – for many years, this was believed to be the way to go.

But not any more… Because, of course, science improves. And it’s important to keep up with this to ensure that your workout efforts are bringing you maximum results.

So before we discuss the science behind the program, let’s take a look at what you receive when you sign up…

  • The Daily P.A.C.E Workouts: These take up only 12 minutes of your time per day. And the reason they work is that they use a method known as ‘Progressive Dynamic Muscle Sequencing’, that ignites what’s known as ‘after burn’. In short, this means that your body continues to burn fat for up to 24 hours after your workout – even when you’re sleeping! You get a total of six weeks worth of workouts, each consisting of three x four-minute sets of exercises.
  • 7 Steps to High Speed Fat Loss: An E-book jam packed with ways that you can hit your ideal weight without dieting or counting calories. Because, hey! Calorie counting simply doesn’t work… And eating fat doesn’t make you fat.. And, traditional exercise simply doesn’t keep you lean and trim
  • On-The-Go Nutrition Pocket Guide: A quick reference pocket guide that’ll help you make the best choices for maximum nutrition and fat loss, no matter where you are…
  • Dr Sears’ Gourmet Cookbook: Discover what real food is, and how you can eat scrumptious meals whilst still whizzing towards your weight loss and fitness goals. Once and for all you’ll never have to feel like your dieting again, or are unable to eat your fav foods…
  • 6-Day Kick Start Guide: A 6-day quick start nutritional guide and workout plan for rapid weight loss. Plus you get to learn the 3 critical keys to success…
  • Bonus Workout DVD: A 4-parter that includes and hips, buns, & thighs workout, express abs, and a fit & flexible workout. Each lasting – you guessed it – 12 minutes…
  • The 6 Week Anti Aging Plan: Dr Sears is a world expert on all things anti aging, and here you’ll discover some amazing ways that really will have you rolling back the years…
  • Doctor’s House Call: Another great resource, Dr Sears’ Daily Advisory, known as Doctor’s House Call, delivered to you by email and packed full of natural health solutions and alternative treatments that’ll help you live a longer, more active, and happier life…

>> Ready To Give Pace Express Workouts A Try?  Click Here Now <<

Who is Pace Express for?

OK, do you want to get fitter and lose weight – once and for all…? Are you fed up with health and diet regimes that simply don’t work…? Hate the gym, and all it stands for…? Don’t have time to dedicate hours of your week to working out…? Fed up with restrictive diets, counting calories, and the depressing yo-yo cycle of weight loss and weight gain…? Then Pace Express is exactly what you’ve been looking for.

And the great thing is that it works for anyone, at any stage of life, no matter how fit (or unfit) you might be right now. It works whether you’ve got 10 pounds to lose, or 100 pounds or more… And it’s just as good for the guys as it is for the girls too…

Who the heck is Dr. Al Sears?

al sears pace expressDr Al Sears is a medical doctor who, over the last two decades, has taken the world by storm. He’s true health and anti-aging expert (we’d go as far as to say, ‘guru’), and he’s spent years perfecting the PACE Express workout and diet program to bring a product to market that works – and works for everyone!

He’s a huge advocate of natural health, and also wants to ensure that every single second you spend on your workout efforts are bringing maximum effect. Sears also ensures that his products like Confidential Cures, Primal Force Native Rest, utilize the very latest in medical and scientific research, which is why his product are so innovative, bang up to date, and truly effective…

The Pros and Cons of Pace Express

The Pros

  • Brings weight loss and muscle tone results – fast!
  • No need to spend hours exercising. By working out in a strategic method, you achieve incredible results in just 12 minutes per day.
  • Not just a workout program. Every aspect of exercise, diet, and nutrition is covered in the PACE Express product.
  • Has massive health benefits – it’s not just about looking fab. You’ll reduce your risks of heart attack and cardiovascular disease, increase your immune system, benefit from massively higher energy levels, plus you’ll never feel hungry or have to count calories again.

The Conspace express satisfaction guaranteed

  • OK, so a little bit of a reality check for a moment. Because whilst Pace Express really does work, you’re still going to have to put in some effort. You can’t simply snack on candy and cookies, and lounge on the couch while expecting to get the body beautiful. You do have to stick with the program to see results…

The Bottom Line

Well, well, well… We have to say, we’re hugely impressed… Because this is genuinely one of the best diet and exercise plans we’ve seen hit the market for a long time. And d’you know why…? It’s because it’s realistic… You’re not expected to become a slave to your local gym, there’s no need to workout for hours on end, and the foods you can eat are plentiful and delicious.

The great thing about a medically designed weight loss and fitness program is that you can rest assured that you’re truly following a structured method to lose weight. This is about changing your body for good – rather than a quick fix with results that fade after a few weeks.

It also comes with a full money back guarantee, meaning that you can try it out at absolutely no risk whatsoever. When it comes to a real way to losing excess fat and getting back the body you want. Pace Express will be the last product you ever need to purchase. Because it works – pure and simple. And that’s amazing…!

>>Click Here To Get Pace Express at The Best Deal Available Now<<

Really…? A Melatonin Supplement That Actually Works…? That Helps You Fall Asleep Faster, Have A Higher Quality Sleep, And Wake Up Truly Refreshed…? This We’ve Gotta See…

primal force native rest reviewPoor sleep isn’t just a pain in the …  Because for those who suffer, it can be completely debilitating. And if that’s you, then you’ve probably tried every different sleep remedy going… Now, the advertising behind Primal Force Native Rest is promising results that’ll help you ‘sleep like a baby’! But we have to say, we’re highly cynical…

Because we’ve heard these claims time and time again. But we still suffer from disrupted sleep – night in… Night out. But the one saving grace that Primal Force Native Rest has, is the man who’s brought it to market. And that’s Dr. Al Sears. If you haven’t heard of him then we’ll discuss him in a mo. But first of all, let’s take a look at exactly what we found out when we took a deep dive into exactly what the product is. And whether or not it really can live up to its sleep enhancing claims…

OR if you already have your mind made up, click here to get Primal Force Native Rest now.

What do you get for your money with Primal Force Native Rest?

Now, Primal Force Native Rest is brought to us in oral spray form. Unlike most other such products, it’s taken in this way because the latest scientific research has shown that it’s the very best delivery technology for melatonin. In fact, the key behind why this spray works is that it’s delivering the optimum amount of melatonin to the body to instigate quality sleep.

And here’s the shocker… You don’t need as much melatonin as you think to induce sleep! In fact, most products bring you far more than is necessary – around 3mg-5mg. And this amount has been proven in a recent study from the Massachusetts institute of Technology to be way, way too much. In fact, around 10 times too much! This dosage can have serious side effects, including dropping the body temperature and leaving you feeling groggy when you awake.

In fact, the exact dose that’s been proven to work the best for good sleep is 0.3mg. But it’s not only that. Most of the melatonin on the market today is sold in a tablet, capsule, lozenge, or liquid format. And these have to go via the liver for the body to break down, meaning most of it never hits the bloodstream so never gets a chance to work.

There are five very important reasons why Primal Force Native Rest is far superior to anything else on the market today:

  • Melatonin Supercharger #1: The oral spray delivers about 4.5 times as much sleep inducing power than other formats. It’s absorbed quickly into the blood stream and gets straight to work. You don’t need to take it with food or water, it’s gentle on the body, and takes just minutes to start working.
  • Melatonin Supercharger #2: The spray also includes an extract from a little known plant that has been used for thousands of years as a natural relaxant and stress reliever. It’s called Jamaican Dogwood, and is the perfect complement to melatonin. Primal Force Native Rest is the only sleep enhancer on the market today that’s included this amazing natural extract in its formula.
  • Melatonin Supercharger #3: Jujube Fruit – an exotic fruit native to Asia and Africa that’s been used for millennia in Chinese Medicine as a reliable remedy for sleeplessness. Combined with the Jamaican Dogwood it helps you relax and allows the effect of the melatonin to work at easing you into slumber.
  • Melatonin Supercharger #4: To support your thyroid, an important gland that helps regulate sleep, a mineral micronutrient called Selenium has been added. It’s a proven fact that low levels of Selenium are linked to less sleep.
  • Melatonin Supercharger #5: The inclusion of zinc in the spray, because around 75% of people in the world are deficient in this crucial micronutrient. Commercial farming processes have stripped soils around the world of zinc, and zinc has a massive effect on the quality of your sleep.

>> Ready To Give Primal Force Native Rest A Try?  Click Here Now To Get Started <<

Who is Primal Force Native Rest for?

Have trouble sleeping? Tried everything, from sleep meditation to sleeping pills? Find other melatonin products either don’t work or leave you with a ‘hangover’ in the morning? Then Primal Force Native Rest could be the product that at last sees you getting a decent night’s sleep on a regular basis. And because it’s an oral spray it gets straight to work – even for those who suffer from digestive disorders that might prevent full absorption of nutrients within the body.

Who the heck is Dr. Al Sears MD?

dr al sears primal force native restSears is a medical doctor who’s spent that past 20+ years dedicating his professional life to bringing very real solutions to life problems to market. Oh – and he’s also the go-to man on anything and everything to do with anti aging. Of course, poor sleep is a massive instigator in becoming old before your time, so it makes sense that the guy has worked on creating a product that works – and works far better than anything else on the market today.

The Pros and Cons of Primal Force Native Rest

The Pros

  • Works fast. Within minutes!
  • Presented in a pleasant tasting oral spray – the fastest and most effective way to send melatonin directly into your system.
  • Doesn’t leave you groggy when you wake up.
  • Ideal for anyone who suffers from digestive disorders that might hinder the absorption of nutrients. And you don’t need to take it with food or water.

The Consprimal force native rest guarantee

  • The biggest ‘con’ about Primal Force Native Rest is that for many of us, we’ve been led to believe that ‘more is better’ when it comes to the amount of melatonin we need to take to help us sleep. The thing is, if you’re one of the many who still believes this, then you might think that the lower dose included in this oral spray means it won’t work. But nothing could be further from the truth. Remember, science and research is constantly evolving, and it’s important that you go with it. And right now it’s been completely proven that more is not better. And that the optimal dose you need for a great night’s sleep is what you get with this spray.

The Bottom Line

Well, we have to say that we’ve been absolutely gobsmacked as to quite how effective Primal Force Native Rest is at reducing insomnia. Not only does it work – and works fast – but you also awake truly refreshed in the morning, with a clear head, and no grogginess. In addition, you also get a great E-report with your first order, called The Melatonin Miracle, that covers all you need to know about how to naturally reset your sleep pattern (Plus loads of other benefits of Melatonin).

And in addition, Primal Force Native Rest also comes with a no questions asked, 90 day, 100% money back guarantee. So you really can try it out at no risk whatsoever. Makes giving it a try a bit of a no brainer, wouldn’t you say…?

>>Click Here To Get Primal Force Native Rest at The Best Deal Available Now<<