Tips to Finally Getting Six Pack Abs

how to get six pack absHave you been trying to get six pack abs but everything seems not to be working out? Well, we understand the struggle that comes with developing toned abs. The internet currently has set standards. Everywhere you look, you find men with perfect six pack abs. You will notice that often we tend to make excuses when we feel like we are not hitting our target. We blame genetics, wings, work and the Sunday menu. However, by contrast, we can’t help but admire the sex appeal of a ripped core and a fit body.

The journey might not easy, but the results are worth the hard work. You need to have fitness goals. However, we acknowledge, building abs is not the easiest things to achieve your fitness goals. It requires persistence, discipline, dedication, and patience. You need to know all that there is to know from the diet to the workouts because knowledge is key.

Below is a list of insightful tips to help you get six packs abs.

1. Have a positive mindset

The first and the most important thing is to have a positive mindset. You are both the athlete and the cheerleader. Therefore you need to motivate yourself to get up each morning and to stay on your track. The journey as we said earlier is not smooth and without motivation, you cannot make it. Wake up every morning with an optimistic attitude. Prepare your schedule and follow it.

2. Diet

People often believe that they can get six pack abs through exercise only. Well, that is not the case. What you eat is important too. You need to know what works for your body and what does not work. Exercise contributes only 30%. The rest relies on a proper diet.

You will be required to exercise discipline and consistency. In your diet, ensure that you eat enough proteins. They help in building lean muscles and burn fat muscles. Lean proteins out of the various macro-nutrients have the highest thermogenic effect on one’s body making it valuable. Your body gets to burn calories. So next time you see professional bodybuilders with incredible bodies just know they take their proteins seriously.

Fats are healthy too but the right kind of fats. Introduce raw nuts, olive oils, nut butter and fish oils into your diet. They maintain your insulin levels and help lose that belly fat. Your diet needs to combine proteins, good fats and carbs to get your metabolism going and burning unwanted fats.  Also many people may be allergic to gluten, so try avoiding gluten when possible.  There is a great gluten blocking supplement called Gluten Guardian.

3. Ensure you drink lots of water

how to get six pack absWater should be your friend. Water hydrates your body and boosts your metabolism. I know we do not pay attention to the statement “Drink
eight glasses of water every day.” We fail to acknowledge an important factor by doing so because water is magical. Take a glass of water once you wake up in the morning and make sure during the day you do the same. Though during the day you will have to take a couple of glasses.  We highly recommend filtered water.  We love this water filter device.

4. Create a workout plan

Have a workout schedule and get your body working. Create a plan and establish the number of days you will be hitting the gym. Strength training is essential, and in this case, it involves squats, presses, planks, and deadlifts. Notably, they have significant effects on your body. They work muscle groups helping you to gain muscles. However, you do not have to lift weights all the seven days of a week. Give yourself a break to recover. You’re not a robot remember. Crunches and oblique exercises also go a long way. Notably, the correct technique will give you the momentum you need to get those abs.

However, before strength training, you need to achieve that healthy weight. Burn your body fat first by doing several exercises then proceed to bodybuilding. As for an underweight person, you need to gain muscles otherwise you won’t have that sexy appeal. You need to have the correct body weight to look good.

5. Incorporate cardio in your regular exercise

When working out your cardio duration needs to be long, and you should move from a slow to a medium pace. Cardio helps in speeding the results because it triggers the process of transforming fats into energy. Morning cardio is recommended to burn that stubborn belly fat. However, you should not replace cardio with weight lifting because you need them both in order to succeed. Cardio should be done on your rest days or early morning. It complements weightlifting. For those who don’t know cardiovascular exercises include swimming, biking, aerobics, and rowing. They maintaining a healthy heart while toning the abdomen.

6. Ensure that you get a good night rest

Studies have shown that people with a regular sleep pattern and those who sleep for around 7 hours lose more weight compared to those who
sleep for short hours. I know most of you did not know the above. Well, now you in the know. Do not let lack of enough sleep prevent you from gaining muscles.

7.Work out regularly and be patient

Nothing comes easy. You need to wake up and get to work. Those abs won’t magically appear. In everything, you do have patience and motivate yourself to continue. I know there will be hurdles, but that’s the exciting part. You will have a story to tell in the near future when you have those toned abs.


The secret is to follow the tips above and to maintain the highest level of discipline. Do not spend hours in the gym and hours on fast food joints. Strike a balance between diet and exercise. I know resisting that burger may be hard but trust me it pays off eventually. So now reach for those dumbbells and lift those weights. They not only help you to burn calories but they also increase your resting metabolism.

Evidently, you will realize after a day in the gym you sleep like a baby. Your body relaxes, and you sleep throughout the night. Push yourself. The first time it will feel very uncomfortable, but after one or three weeks your body will adjust. You no longer need to give people those excuses because getting six pack abs is possible. Do not be afraid to push your limits and to go bigger.

If you want a step by step program to help you get six pack abs, then we highly recommend the program Specforce Abs click here to see our review.