Hey Guys… Now All You Need To Get Ripped AND Be A Stud In The Bedroom Is This Simple, 16 Minute Per Week Running Program…

anabolic running reviewWell, wouldn’t that make life so easy… Because apparently, if you’re running much more than this on a weekly basis, you’re actively sabotaging not only your fitness levels, but also your production of testosterone. And we all know what that means…!

But hang on a minute… Is there even the slightest bit of scientific evidence behind Anabolic Running? After all, we (and no doubt you) are well aware that there’s a gazillion useless products littered around online that make great promises, but are simply full of bull! And if there’s one thing we truly hate…? It’s clever advertisers managing to make us part with our hard earned dollars for a product that simply doesn’t work.

Of course, this meant we had to get down and dirty with exactly what Anabolic Running is really all about. And if you’re thinking of a purchase, then boy-oh-boy, do you need to read what we discovered. Don’t send them a penny until you do…OR if you already have your mind made up, just click here to get Anabolic Running 2.0.

What do you get for your money with Anabolic Running?

OK, so Anabolic Running, or, to give it its full title, Anabolic Running 2.0, is an ‘only for men’ workout program for guys who want to look and operate like alpha males. And, thanks to using the most cutting edge and recently discovered scientific research, doing away with workouts like high intensity interval training, running for miles, endless reps, and crazy diets.

And the program breaks down like this:

  • Anabolic Running 2.0 – The Workouts: This is the crux of the product. You’ll learn the exact, short and sweet, cardio workouts that you need to do that laser target the stubborn fat you’re carrying. These literally take 16 minutes a couple of times per week, and work by naturally increasing your levels of testosterone within the body. This has a double whammy effect… Firstly it means that your bod literally turns back into a fat burning furnace. And secondly… Well, ask your wife or girlfriend what she thinks about your sex life once you’ve been following the program for a week or two…
  • Anabolic Running 2.0 – Shock & Awe Strength: Here you get some almost miraculous 6 minute exercise sequences that will stack your body with strength, ripped muscle, and cause you to burn fat 24/7. Yep – even when you’re sleeping…! Once again, it’s all down to the carefully constructed timings of the workout, and where it targets the body – that’s why it not only works, but works pretty damn fast as well (you’ll see a difference within about four workouts!).
  • Anabolic Running 2.0 – Testosterone Hacker Handbook: This is one of Jo LoGalbo’s specialities (the guy who created the program). He’s not known as the ‘testosterone guru’ for nothing… Here you’ll get 41 amazing testosterone boosting shortcuts (that will only take you a few seconds per day), that’ll literally throw your sex hormones into overdrive…!
  • Anabolic Running 2.0 – Indoor Anabolic Running: Because sometimes you just don’t want to run outside. So discover how to get the exact same effects indoors. Not only will you get treadmill or cardio machine workouts, but also ones you can do right in your living room using only your body weight.
  • Anabolic Running 2.0 – 17 Foods to Boost Libido: These foods will really give you back that bedroom magic, naturally and with no pills, potions, or medication. Not only that, the only cost is simply the price of the food…

>> Ready To Try Anabolic Running 2.0?  Click Here Now To Get This Special Deal <<

Who is Anabolic Running for?

OK, so this is a cardio workout product that’s specifically designed for men. Yes, men only, and directly created with the latest scientific research that will cause guys to ditch stubborn fat, get ripped, and ramp up your libido…

So if you’re prepared to put in the work – because you’re still gonna have to work at it – then Anabolic Running will see your results speed up by about 50%. And it works for guys of any age, but in particular if you’re heading towards, or are the wrong side of, 40, then you’re really going to see and feel a massive difference in a real short amount of time.

Who the heck is Joe LoGalbo?

joe logalbo anabolic runningOK, so we have to say, LoGalbo certainly knows what he’s talking about. Through bitter experience he learned that hard cardio, such as running, can literally ruin not only your fitness levels, but make you pile on the pounds, and, even worse, affect your bedroom antics. He’s now one of the go-to guys for hundreds of thousands of American men who truly want to look their best, have raging amounts of testosterone, and transform their lives and bodies without any illicit substances, lifting crazy weights, or doing hours of cardio.

He started his company, Jo Lo Fitness in 2015, and since then his following has become almost legendary, thanks to providing real, valid training Intel that actually works! Check him out on Google – the guy’s a true ‘testosterone hacking guru and fat loss expert’ on a mission…

The Pros and Cons of Anabolic Running

The Pros

  • Discover the amazing health ‘hacks’ that mean you only need to a couple of 16 minute specific cardio workouts per week to see the fat roll away and pile on lean muscle.
  • Because these targeted exercises naturally increase the amount of free testosterone within the body, you’ll get a massive boost in your libido.
  • Does away with the need to carry out boring, lengthy cardio workouts.
  • Comes with a no quibble, 60 day, 100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied.

The Consanabolic running guarantee

  • OK, so let’s be a little realistic here. Because you are still going to have to work to get the body beautiful… There is no miracle shortcut to getting there. But what Anabolic Running does, is help you achieve your desired results way, way faster than normal. In fact, you can expect to get there in about half the time that you would without it.

The Bottom Line

Well, we have to say that we’re impressed… Mighty impressed. Because Anabolic Running really does live up to its advertising – and is scientifically and medically proven to do so.

If you’re fed up with boring cardio… Fed up with never managing to get rid of that excess flab… Fed up with not getting the muscle definition you know is possible… And would love the side effects in the bedroom that come with increasing your natural levels of testosterone, then Anabolic Running could be just the product you’ve been searching for. In a nutshell – it rocks..!

>>Click Here To Get Anabolic Running at The Best Deal Available Now<<

So Check Out The Latest ‘Easy’ Method Of Packing On Slabs Of Concrete Hard Muscle, Even If You’re In Your 30s, 40s, Or Even Your 50s…! Well, Once We’ve Stopped Laughing…

anabolic reload review… We might be able to review the product. Because, come on! The promises made by the Anabolic Reload advertising promises that you can ‘experience the same eruptions of muscle growth you enjoyed as a teenager’.

Now, call us cynical if you like (yes, we are), but surely this just isn’t physically possible? However… The one saving grace about Anabolic Reload is its creator – Steve Holman. Now, we’ll talk more about him in a moment, but suffice to say for now that he’s the reason we even paid the slightest bit of attention to Anabolic Reload.

So if you’re thinking of a purchase, then you’re gonna want to read what we discovered in our down and dirty look at his program. Don’t send the guy a single dime until you get the real truth about what it’s all about…OR if you already have your mind made up, just click here now.

What do you get for your money with Anabolic Reload?

So… Anabolic Reload is all about adding some simple principles to your weekly routine that actively increase the testosterone you have within the body. And with this added testosterone comes the ability for the body to pack on more muscle – fast – through your 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond. It’s all down to carrying out the right kind of anabolic exercise.

The crux of the program works by exacerbating the following ‘Freak Physique’ Factors:

  • Anabolic Rotation: Exercise variety has been shown to produce far greater muscle growth than repeatedly performing the same ones. Mixing up your movements and exercise will literally shock your muscles into enormous growth!
  • Ultimate Muscle Volumization: This is a little bit technical, but it basically shows you exactly how to combine both slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibers in a single set. Called STX sets, these carefully formulated exercises cause a greater hyptrophic response and functional muscle mass, increase muscle growth and endurance, and literally force the body to create a ripped, almost super-human, physique.
  • Stealth Progression: A cleverly created progressive volume increase method that consists of rest/pause add ons, that help you gradually and endlessly increase your volume and strength, allowing you to safely pack on that to-die-for muscle mass.
  • Triple Layer Hypertrophy: By cleverly combining three different types of hypertrophy triggers in your weekly workouts, you can keep your training short and effective, whilst boosting your anabolic hormones and packing on the lean muscle – fast!
  • Anabolic Phasing: The latest cutting edge research has proven that for the best muscle gain it’s necessary to train each muscle group two or three times a week, but with less volume. The effect is to accelerate the muscle building journey with almost miraculous results.

In addition you also receive the following:

  • Anabolic Reload – X-treme Lean Nutrition Manual: Discover amazing fat shredding secrets with this step by step nutrition blueprint that’ll debunk every myth and lie you’ve ever bought into before…
  • Anabolic Reload Bodyweight Edition: Discover workout that work, using only your body weight. Take this baby with you wherever you might not be able to get to the gym (or if you’d rather never set foot in one!). Easy to follow and can be carried out anywhere you like…
  • Anabolic Reload Size Surge Workouts: Discover some incredible workouts that’ll see your muscles (and arms especially) continue to grow even whilst you’re losing body fat, shrinking that waistline, and getting stronger and stronger…

>> Click Here Now To Try Out The Anabolic Reload Program Now <<

Who is Anabolic Reload for?

Well, let’s just say this is a male-only zone. Because this is all about workouts that target the exact way that the male body works – and especially as it gets older. So if you’re age 30 or above, and want to experience the best muscle gain, fat loss, and strength of your life, then Anabolic Reload can show you the exact method to do just that. And without killing yourself with boring cardio, lengthy sets and reps, or any other type of ‘fad’ workout that hasn’t been scientifically proven…

Who the heck is Steve Holman?

steve holman anabolic reloadWell, anyone who’s anyone in the world of fitness will have heard of Holman. Former Editor in Chief of Iron Man Magazine, best selling fitness author, and hey – he looks pretty damn good too. AND he’s packing on the years, as well as the muscle.

He’s now one of the country’s ‘go to’ guys for anyone over the age of 30 looking to not only keep, but to actively improve their physique. And boy is he good at what he does, helping tens of thousands of guys to look as good – or better – than they did in their 20s…!

The Pros and Cons of Anabolic Reload

The Pros

  • Experience massive muscle building results by causing your body’s natural anabolic hormones to work for you, instead of against you.
  • Actively lower the amount of time you spend working out each week. Because you’re working out ‘right’, there’s no need for long, destructive workouts…
  • Works for the older guy – even in your 50s and beyond…!
  • Simple to follow, and offers both gym and home options for the same massive muscle building results.

The Consanabolic reload guarantee

  • Well, much as this all sounds great, you’re still gonna have to work at it. The body beautiful does not happen without effort, that’s for sure. But if you’re looking for a way to streamline your training for the fastest, most shocking results (all of which are scientifically researched and proven), then Anabolic Reload can truly change what you see from your efforts – and cause you to pack on the rock hard muscle that you so desperately want…

The Bottom Line

Well! We have to say that we weren’t expecting to be impressed. But impressed we are… Anabolic Reload has certainly taught us a thing or two, and we’re pretty sure it will for you too. So if you’re forever failing to get the results you expect… If you seem to be working out harder but with less effect… Or if you think that because you’re past those hallowed years of your 20s that you can’t turn heads… Well, think again. Because Anabolic Reload will show you the exact way that you can pile on the muscle and become a literal powerhouse, both in looks AND in the bedroom (yep, that’s a sneaky little side effect that anyone will be happy to experience…).

And you don’t even have to take our word for it. Because Anabolic Reload comes with an iron clad, 60 day 100% money back guarantee. Which, in our humble opinion, makes giving it a go somewhat of a no-brainer, wouldn’t you agree…?

>>Click Here To Get Anabolic Reload at The Best Deal Available Now<<

An All-Natural Daily Supplement That Promises To Once And For All Super-Charge Your Brain, So You Can Work At Full Throttle Each And Every Day… Yeah, Yeah… We’ve Heard It All Before…

neuropeak af reviewLiving in our fast moving times is great, isn’t it… Well, yes – but our technologically advanced, multi-information, have-it-all lifestyle certainly does takes its toll. And one of those is that for many of us, we often feel like we’re working (living!) at a mental state that’s just not quite as good as it should be.

Update:  See our Top Rated Brain Supplement Here

Or see the review here: Brain Boost Review

Admit it… How many times is your brain just ‘not quite working’? You know, that word eludes you, or you forget (again) to do something that’s really important? And don’t even get us started on people’s names… Or you just feel one step removed from what you know is your full potential.

Cue Neuropeak AF, an all-natural supplement that promises that it’ll give you back that clarity and sharpness – for good. OK, so if you’re anything like us, then you’ve heard it all (and tried it all) before. Supplements that simply don’t live up to their promises. So is Neuropeak AF any different…? Well there was only one way for us to find out.

Below is our in-depth report as to exactly what Neuropeak AF contains, and, most importantly, whether or not it works. If you’re considering a purchase, you’re gonna be mighty interested to read what we have to say…

What do you get for your money with Neuropeak AF?

Now, Neuropeak AF is using some pretty ‘weird’ advertising to get its message across. They’re saying that their product is ‘barely legal’. So, let’s put this to bed once and for all… Neuropeak AF is – we repeat, IS, totally legal. Their copywriters have simply hit on a theme to be a little controversial, that’s all.

But let’s get to the real point. What’s contained in the Neuropeak AF supplement, and whether or not it really can help turn up your brain power and make you that sharp and ‘with it’ person that you are on your best days.

So, this is a daily supplement containing three super ingredients that are all proven in one way or another to help with good cognitive function. These ingredients are as follows:

  • Vinpocetine: This comes from the Periwinkle plant, and it’s been researched and used in Europe for many different conditions involving the brain. These include epilepsy, strokes, chronic fatigue syndrome, cerebrovascular disease, to name but a few. In addition, it’s been show to prevent cognitive decline, slow and/or protect against Alzheimer’s, decreases the risk of stroke, prevent motion sickness, treating the symptoms of menopause, and reducing morbidity in those who’ve suffered a stroke. It basically helps to increase cerebral blood flow, enhance the memory, and protect against decline.
  • Indian Kino Extract: This comes from a tree native to India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Recent studies have shown that not only does it protect against Alzheimer’s and other cognitive decline diseases, but that it also has a remarkable effect on memory, learning, and helping you move into a positive, sharp, and productive state. Scientific trials are also showing that it can prevent the loss of dopamine from brain cells, and that it increases the level at which the memory functions.
  • Bacopa Monnieri Extract: This natural herb has been used for thousands of years to help mood levels, and support positive levels of focus and memory. It’s been used to great effect in stress and anxiety conditions, and also helps you rationize and organize racing thoughts. In other words, this has been proven to help you remain focused, cool, calm, and collected in any situation – no matter what life throws at you.

The additional ingredients contained within Neuropeak AF include L-Tyrosine, for memory, stress reduction, and learning, L-Theanine, for promoting relaxation, Choline, for brain health, vitamin B6, for brain development, function, and mood, and Ginko Bilboa, for memory, sharp thinking, and its proven function in many brain-related disorders.

Who is Neuropeak AF for?

Want to be the sharpest you possible, each and every day…? Fed up with brain fog, slipped thoughts, difficulty in retaining or retaining information…? Then Neuropeak AF is exactly what you need turn it all around. The thing is, the crazy world we live in today takes its toll – even if we’re not aware of it. And one of the first places it shows is in the way our brain works.

So anything we can do to help negate that has to be a good thing. And the combination of potent ingredients contained in Neuropeak AF is a unique, proven way to do so. And yes – we’ve tried many other ‘brain’ supplement that did absolutely nothing. Unlike this one, that really did seem to have the desired effect.

So what about these ‘barely legal’ claims?

The advertising of Neuropeak AF relies very heavily on the conspiracy theory angle that their product is so effective that Big Pharma is angling to get it banned. Now, who’re we to say whether or not this is true, but in our humble opinion, it really just an advertising hook.

So we’ve taken that with a pinch of salt, and we suggest you do the same. The real crux of the matter is what the supplement contains, the scientific proof behind the claims of improved cognitive function, and the quality of the ingredients within. In our opinion, they’ve just gone with the wrong advice as to the ‘barely legal’ advertising because, as we’ve already made very clear, Neuropeak AF is totally and utterly legal – pure and simple.

The Pros and Cons of Neuropeak AF

The Pros

  • Created from all-natural ingredients, all of which have some very valid scientific research behind them to back the claims that they’re beneficial for cognitive function.
  • In addition to making you ‘sharper’, Neuropeak AF has a very positive effect on mood. Even if you don’t feel you need a lift, anything that helps you naturally be in a positive state of mind has to be a good thing, wouldn’t you say.
  • Can help guard against any future brain related disorder.
  • Comes with a no questions asked, 60-day, 100% money back guarantee – even if you send back an empty bottle.

The Consneuropeak af guarantee

  • Well, it has to be the truly awful advertising angle. ‘Barely legal’ – pah! Their copywriter needs shooting…

The Bottom Line

Well, we have to admit that when we first came across Neuropeak AF, we thought it was just another run of the mill supplement. And, as you’ve already worked out, we hated the advertising. But we’re extremely glad that we didn’t let our cynicism stop us from truly understanding what the product was, because it totally changed our mind.

So much so that we feel completely comfortable with recommending Neuropeak AF as one of the very best cognitive function supplements we’ve come across. And it has the added bonus of also guarding against any future brain related issues. Sure, if you’re on any prescription meds you should always consult with your healthcare provider before starting such a supplement (that’s common sense), but in most cases, it’s suitable for everyone to take.

Neuropeak AF certainly gets the OK from us – because it really does deliver on its promises. In a word – awesome.

>> Click Here To See Our Top Rated Brain Supplement <<

Ahhh… So Now You Can Learn The Secret Used By The Stars To Not Only Look Amazing, But To Actively Reverse The Ageing Process…! Wow, Now Wouldn’t That Be Something…?

genesis by green valley natural solution reviewAnd, we have to say, extremely unlikely. But then, how on earth do those celebs stay looking so amazing? And that’s even taking into account surgery, make up artists, uber-expensive skin care treatments, lighting, etc.

Now, Genesis by Green Valley Natural Solutions is promising that we too can be privy to the very same ‘miracle’ anti-aging solutions that the rich and famous are. But WITHOUT the crazy price tags. Well, this sounds wonderful, doesn’t it…? But if you’re anything like us, then you know when something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.

So of course we wanted to find out more about Genesis, and the claims that it’ll not only stop you aging, but actively reverse the process! Cue a down and dirty discovery into exactly what the product is. And, most importantly, whether or not it works. And believe us, what we found out makes for truly fascinating reading…

What do you get for your money with Genesis by Green Valley Natural Solutions?

So, Genesis by Green Valley Natural Solutions is all about targeting your body’s cells from the inside. And the product is based on some truly cutting edge knowledge that’s been developed by Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn.

And, without getting too technical and ‘sciency’, it’s about providing the body with a molecule called ‘TR Peptide’ that has the ability to enter the body’s cells and reverse their age. It literally causes the DNA within the cells to rewind to how it was when you were young.

Genesis is a daily supplement in capsule format that feeds your body with this elusive molecule that has the ability to do this. And taking it on a daily basis has some amazing, proven, health effects:

  • Staves off disease: This is perhaps one of the most miraculous aspects of feeding your body with this wonder ingredient. And that’s simply that it provides the body with the regeneration powers it needs to completely lower your chances of falling foul of some of the worst diseases known to man.
  • Banishment of minor ailments: Although we have to say, if you suffer from migraines, chronic pain, arthritis, or anything else that has a life changing effect, you certainly won’t refer to them as ‘minor’. But the point is, the TR Peptide molecule and it’s unique ability to reverse the age of your DNA will see these ailments fade away to nothing – once and for all.
  • Improved moods: Not only because your body is more youthful, but because it takes away so many stresses that are caused by the general aging process of the human body.
  • Better sleep: Remember the innocent sleep of your youth. When you could go more than a few hours without waking up – either for a bathroom break or because your mind simply won’t stop racing…? Well, those days are set to return once you reverse the aging process within your body’s cells.
  • Increased energy levels: Say goodbye to those ‘dull’ days and those afternoon crashes. You’ll once again be blessed with the energy of your youth, and the stamina to once again enjoy the physical activities you used to enjoy.
  • Renewed joint mobility: Say goodbye to those aches, pains, creaks, and stiffness. In fact, Genesis is so effective in this area that you’ll swear you’ve been given new ones…!
  • Focus, and a razor sharp mind: Just like you had all those years ago. Say bye-bye to brain fog, and sayonara to those elusive words that slip away just as you were about to say them… Once again you can benefit from the quickness of thought that you used to take for granted.
  • Massively improved skin: Smoother, less wrinkled, brighter, fresher, younger, plumped, healthy… In other words, your skin, but how it used to be years ago.

These amazing effects are caused by the potent combination of ingredients within Genesis by Green Valley Natural Solution. These are:

  • TRT Peptide – gets to work at DNA level to reverse the aging process in every single cell of the body.
  • Cycloastrogenol – a powerful, scientifically researched super-nutrient that’s proven to reverse the aging process.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid – a nutrient with incredible health effects. Supports healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. Protects the brain, bones, ears, and eyes. Is a powerful antioxidant and reduces inflammation throughout the whole body.
  • Vitamin D3/K2 – the combination of which is truly beneficial in longevity, and now fully proven and understood by every doctor in the land.

Who is Genesis by Green Valley Natural Solutions for?

Over 50…? Want to feel (and look) decades younger…? Then Genesis by Green Valley Natural Solutions is probably the only supplement you need to consider taking on a daily basis.

Sure, you might only take it for the incredible effect it has on your skin (many do). But you’ll be reaping all the other benefits as well, so you can rest easy that you’re taking a massive step to ensure that you remain as healthy as possible as the years roll by.

Who the heck is Green Valley Natural Solutions?

Green Valley Natural Solutions came into being with a single purpose – to create all-natural, potent health supplements that will truly benefit those who make them. Today, as always, their products are created wholly in the US (Virginia, to be precise), and are as pure as any supplement you could hope to buy. They contain no filler, no synthetic supplements, nor anything other than the very ingredients they promise to deliver.

Every supplement they create has been fully researched, and contains the precise amounts of the various ingredients necessary to work at optimum level within the body. They advocate the use of cutting edge research, little-known or recently discovered herbs and products that have a truly beneficial effect on the human body.

The Pros and Cons Genesis by Green Valley Natural Solutions

The Pros

  • Suitable for all – GMO, gluten, dairy, wheat, soy, lactose free.
  • Targets all areas of aging within the body, from the skin to the joints, the major organs to the bones, and literally rewires the body cells to become fitter and younger.
  • The effects are seen fast. Many people report feeling more energetic and vibrant within a few days of adding the supplement to their daily regime.
  • Comes with a ‘try and then buy’ guarantee. In other words, you pay nothing when you purchase – try it out for 30 days, and only then do you pay for the supplement. If you’re not completely happy you simply return the bottles and pay nothing.

The Consgenesis by green valley natural solution guarantee

  • OK, so let’s have a little semblance of reality for a moment. Sure, you might well start seeing and feeling results in the first few days. But in all reality you’ll probably need to continue with the supplement for a good few weeks before you start to reap the external benefits – such as better skin. After all, we all know that skin takes days and weeks to grow, so you do need to stick with it and give nature the chance to take its course.

The Bottom Line

We have to say, we certainly didn’t expect to become a fan of Genesis. But fans we are, because this really is a supplement that can make a difference. Sure, the advertising is a bit (a lot!) long-winded, but actually, when you cut through all the bull, there’s some really great scientific stuff in there. And this backs every single claim made in the advertising blurb.

Genesis by Green Valley Natural Solutions is, in a nutshell, a great all-round health and body supplement. We love the ‘try before you buy’ option, and we have to say, the claims made by the makers really do appear to come true. If you’re looking for a single supplement to add to your daily regime, then Genesis by Green Valley Solutions could well be the one to choose…

So Apparently, All You Need For Perfect Health Is A Supplement Created From A Bunch Of Mushrooms… And It’ll See You Remain Fit And Healthy, Whatever Your Age – PLUS Do Away With The Need For Any Prescription Drugs…

myco ultra reviewWell doesn’t that just sound fine and dandy…? And highly unlikely, wouldn’t you agree…? And if there’s one thing we truly hate, it’s advertising that talks about curing some of the worst diseases on the planet – and why Big Pharma is actively preventing us from knowing they exist. And Myco Ultra certainly ticks all the boxes in those respects.

However… There’s a true buzz going around right now about the components of Myco Ultra. And these are called Betaglucans. So because of this, we just knew we had to find out more. After all, there’s hundreds of thousands of people out there who swear that Betaglucans have prevented, improved, or even cured some of the nastiest illnesses known to man.

to find out more. And if you’re considering a purchase, then you’re gonna be mighty interested with what we discovered, that’s the truth. So don’t spend a penny before you read our short review below…

What do you get for your money Myco Ultra?

OK, so as we’ve already said, Myco Ultra is a supplement that contains products known as Betaglucans. Now, these have been scientifically proven over and over again to have incredible health and healing issues for all types of human ailments and disorders. And the research and proof is further stacking up on a daily basis.

These Betaglucans are found in mushroom. And in Myco Ultra, they use a strategic combination of 8 different medicinal mushrooms to ensure you get the very best result. These mushrooms are:

  • Maitake: Loads of proven health benefits, including the control of diabetes, weight loss, lowering cholesterol, fights the HIV virus, controls blood pressure, protects the liver, and combats bladder and prostate cancer.
  • Reishi: A pain reliever, reduces allergic reactions, prevents bronchitis, treats coughs, is an anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant, an antiviral, lowers blood pressure, and lowers ‘bad’ cholesterol.
  • Cordyceps: Increases energy and vitality, and is used to treat various ailments, such as emphysema, infertility, cancers, angina, liver disease, sexual dysfunction, TB, and anemia.
  • Tramates Versicolor: Or Turkey Tail. Has massive medical proof to be a potent anticancer products. It also is powerful against lung infections, hepatitis, and excess phlegm.
  • Agaricus Biazei: Proven to have an incredible effect on lessening and curing tumors.
  • Hericium Erinaceus: Also known as Lion’s Mane, it can stop the spread of, and reduce, cancers such as stomach, esophageal, and skin. N addition it’s been shown to regenerate nerve tissue in the brain and fight Alzheimer’s.
  • Antrodia Camphorata: Helps prevent the spread of skin cancer, tumors, and breast cancer, as well as protecting the liver. It also is an antiviral against Hepatitis B.
  • King Trumpet: An anti fungal, anti virus, and antioxidant. It also reduces cholesterol levels.

Who is Myco Ultra for?

Now, you might think that Myco Ultra is only for those who’re sick. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. And whilst they are indeed a powerful warrior against those who’re already affected by illness or disease, what they’re incredible at is preventing any such ailments debilitating you in the first place.

For each and every one of us, Myco Ultra will boost your immune system, helping ward off those bugs and viruses that sweep our nation. And also assist the body in regeneration, making you stronger, healthier, more youthful, full of energy, and all round feeling a better person in every single respect. In other words, this is a supplement for all of us, no matter what age, sex, fitness or level of health we’re at. It really is a supplement that’ll benefit each and every one of us.

And the scientific proof that Betaglucans actually work?

Wow – there’s so much we don’t quite know where to begin… For instance, the National Cancer Institute carried out a test that showed it reduced and even destroyed cases of skin cancer. Or that they’ve shown they can provide resistance against bacteria that’s become antibiotic resistant Perhaps that they’ve shown they can heal sores, or that patients who take Beta-glucans have a better chance of surviving chemotherapy. What about that they lower cholesterol, or that they reduce fungal infections…? The list goes on…

The Pros and Cons of Myco Ultra

The Pros

  • Gluten and Lactose Free. Myco Ultra contains absolutely nothing that can cause allergic reactions. It’s also free from wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and crustacean shellfish, plus it’s totally vegan friendly.
  • Contains a formulation of 8 mushroom strains. This creates a uniquely powerful and synergistic effect – far more than you’d get from a single mushroom product.
  • Unlike many mushroom or mushroom supplement, Myco Ultra is guaranteed NOT to give you bad breath.
  • Sourced organically from mushrooms with the highest possible potency of Betaglucans.

The Consmyco ultra money back guarantee

  • Well, it’s got to be the ‘conspiracy theory’ advertising that our Government and Big Pharma have covered up the use of BetaGlucans in order to keep us all reliant on prescription meds. Now, this may or may not be the case – but this form of advertising is getting a little tired now, wouldn’t you agree…?

The Bottom Line

Wow…! We have to say… We review a helluva lot of daily supplements. But we’ve never come across one that’s as unique and potent as Myco Ultra. In fact, we don’t know why this isn’t provided to every single American citizen as a ‘must take’ on a daily basis…?

But thankfully, it’s available now for those of us who want to take the state of our health into our own hands. If you’re keen to ward of disease for you and your loved ones, then Myco Ultra could be the answer you’ve been looking for. And it’s way, way more potent than other seemingly similar Betaglucan supplements on the market. So you can rest assured that with Myco Ultra you’re getting the very best available.

If you only consider a single supplement to add to your diet, then give Myco Ultra a try. It comes with a 30 day, 100% money back guarantee – so giving it a go really is a bit of a no-brainer. And one that could truly improve the state of your health. Myco Ultra certainly gets the thumbs up from us, that’s for sure…