Heck, No! Not Another, Guaranteed, Way To Ditch That Flab Once And For All. And, Guess What…? Apparently It’s NOT YOUR FAULT…! Now, Isn’t That Just Something We All Want To Hear…?
When you’re overweight – and have probably been so for many a year – you’ve no doubt tried every single weight loss plan, diet, exercise regime, and even dangerous medications going… So when we came across The Fat Burning Kitchen, a ’24 Hour Diet Transformation to Make Your Body a Fat Burning Machine’, you’ll excuse us for heaving a huge, cynical sigh.

You see, when you’re fat – and miserable (because let’s face it, the two go hand in hand, no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise), you’re easily conned into spending your hard earned cash on anything you think might help you ditch the pounds.
And when products such as The Fat Burning Kitchen tell you that all those damn ‘healthy’ foods are the reason you can’t lose weight – well, doesn’t that just make you want to rush out and buy.
Well, hold your horses for one damn moment. Because before you spend another single cent on yet another product that doesn’t work, you NEED to read our short review on exactly what this will give you – or not give you.
We’ve dived deep into everything to do with The Fat Burning Kitchen. And below is what we found out… or if you are ready to grab it now, click here.
What do you get for your money with Fat Burning Kitchen?
So, The Fat Burning Kitchen is a manual that provides you with everything you need to transform your diet in 24 hours, in order to turn your body into a fat burning machine! It’s co-authored by and Catherine Ebeling and Mike Geary (more about them in a moment), and will absolutely turn everything you ever through you knew about healthy eating on its head.
Things like:
- Why calorie counting isn’t necessary: Yep, not only will you no longer have to struggle to understand how much is in a portion, and whether it’s low fat, high fat, or whatever – you’ll also find that the principle you’ll be shown will also eliminate any cravings. And hey – who wouldn’t want that to be reality…?
- The truth about sweeteners: And why they’re actually making you fat!
- Why diet sodas and drinks do more harm than good: Not only are they toxic, but they truly harm your weight loss efforts.
- Saturated fat and cholesterol: And why they’re essential in your diet.
- The ‘whole grain’ lie: Because these little critters are actually making you GAIN weight.
- Sports drinks: The enemy that stifles your fat burning and makes you age faster…
- Low fat foods: And the truth behind these seemingly innocent products
- Wheat: The enemy within that causes blood sugar disruption, increases weight gain, makes you age faster, and boosts your risk of getting Diabetes.
- The truth about Gluten: Because even in those who don’t think they’re gluten intolerant or sensitive, it causes inflammation in your digestive system that can lead to leaky gut, as well as other digestive issues and autoimmune problems.
- Vegetable oils: And why you should never use them
- The truth about sugar: And the reasons it’s so darn bad for you…
Plus loads more lies busted once and for all, and the truth made clear to understand.
The Fat Burning Kitchen doesn’t only dispel all these myths, but it gives you all the answers you need to transform your diet into one that’s healthy as well as ultimately satisfying. And THAT is the way to ditch that excess fat – not by crazy fad diets or other ways that simply just don’t work…
>> Click Here To Get Started With Fat Burning Kitchen <<
Who the heck are Catherine Ebeling and Mike Geary?
Well, Catherine is a well-known expert nutrition researcher in her own right. But when you team her up with the guru that is Mike Geary, then wow! What a team.
Geary is a the author of the worldwide best seller, The Truth about Six Pack Abs – a book that’s been read by nearly three quarters of a million readers in 163 countries (and counting), and The Top 101 Foods That Fight Aging.
Together this dynamic duo blast many of the commonly believed myths (and, we have to say, downright lies) that the diet industry continues to feed us each and every day. Because make no mistake, it really is an industry. After all, if you lose that weight then you’re no longer a customer – so it’s in the interest of the ‘industry’ to keep you fat…
Who is Fat Burning Kitchen for?
OK, so this book is targeting folks that are overweight. And yes, this is the perfect target market. But actually, it should really appeal to everyone – even if you’re not overweight (at the moment!). Because let’s face it, the diet of the average US citizen can’t exactly be considered healthy. So if you’re interested not only in losing weight, but also in eating in a manner that will truly bring you good health, then the Fat Burning Kitchen is a must-read.
Young or old, male or female, any color or creed – The Fat Burning Kitchen is THE book to read if you’re looking to be the healthiest, fittest you possible. And surely that’s all of us, isn’t it…?
The Pros and Cons of Fat Burning Kitchen
The Pros
- The Fat Burning Kitchen is the ‘once and for all’ way to understand what you need to about healthy eating. And it’s simple and fun to read too – not to mention packed full of lots of scrumptious dishes and ingenious ways to fall in love with food all over again…
- Eating in the manner advised by The Fat Burning Kitchen comes with other side effects other than losing weight. These include slowing the aging process, fixing digestion issues, supercharging your energy levels, increasing your libido, fighting blood pressure problems, naturally detoxing the body… The list goes on…
- You also get a great bonus product, The 23-Day Advanced Nutritional Fat-Burning Blueprint. This does exactly as the title suggests, with no filler of fluff – it just gives you exact meal plans, some rapid tricks and tactics, and many other ways to get a quick fat loss whilst keeping lean muscle.
- The book comes with a no question asked, 100% money back refund if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase.
The Cons
- D’you know, you’ve been lied to by the diet industry for so long, you probably find it hard to believe the The Fat Burning Kitchen could be any different. But hey – with the money back guarantee you don’t even need to take our word for it. You can check it out risk free. After all, you’ve got nothing to lose – except the fat, that is…
The Bottom Line
Well, we have to say, we’re utterly amazed. Because we honestly thought The Fat Burning Kitchen was simply going to be a re-hash of all the old bull@*%! we’ve been fed over and over again – and that’s the reason we can’t lose weight in the first place!
But when we’re wrong we’re not afraid to admit it. So here we are – holding up our hands and saying, WE’RE WRONG. Because if you truly want to lose that excess flab once and for all – not to mention get all the lovely other anti-aging and other good things that go hand in had with eating in the correct manner – then you NEED The Fat Burning Kitchen.
We have to say, we honestly think it’ll be the last ‘healthy eating’ book you’ll ever need read. In a nutshell – it rocks!