A Simple Supplement That Can Protect Your Eyes From The Dreaded ‘Blue Light’ Emitted By All Our 21st Century Gadgets…? Can It Really Be So Simple…? See our Vision 20 review to see the Truth…

Our sight is something we take for granted – until it becomes an issue. And never has there been such a time in the history of man where there are so many dangers all fighting to destroy our eyesight. And the culprit…? Blue radiation. Or the more common term for most – blue light. This comes at us from every angle: from our computer screens, our smart phones, the TV… Even LED light bulbs. Oh, and let’s not forget the sun…
So never has there been a more important time to fight against this invisible enemy. And the daily supplement, Vision 20, promises to do just that.
But – and here’s the $64 million dollar question… Does it actually work? Now, we’re naturally somewhat cynical when it comes to products that use scaremongering advertising to convince us to buy. And Vision 20 certainly does that – with tales of woe, doom, failing eyesight assaulting you from every emotional angle.
So this left us with no choice. We had to find out more about the stuff. Leaving no stone unturned, we delved deep into exactly what Vision 20 is. And if you’re considering a purchase, then you NEED to read what we found out. It certainly makes for interesting reading…or if you just want to grab Zenith Labs Vision 20 now, just click here.
What do you get for your money Zenith Labs Vision 20?
So, as already mentioned, Vision 20 is a once-a-day supplement that contains all-natural ingredients all laser targeted to help the health of your eyes. And the reason we need to protect our eyes is due to the nasty side effects of our technologically advanced 21st century. And this is the scourge of ROS Toxins (short for Reactive Oxygenated Species Toxins).
These little mothers are constantly attacking your eyes – and it’s only getting worse. This is because these ROS Toxins are everywhere – in plastic, processed food, in our water… But more alarmingly, the most deadly source of ROS Toxins is in UV blue light. So every time you watch the TV, every time you turn on the lights, every time you look at your computer or smart phone, your eyes are being attacked by these ROS Toxins.
Zenith Labs Vision 20 Ingredients & Supplement Facts

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And this is why you need to give your poor eyes a helping hand – and do it naturally. You can do this by supporting your eyes natural defenses against these toxins – and these are called Vision Detoxifier Compounds. Giving your body the nutrition it needs to create these can guard against the damage caused by these toxins. And yes – age related vision deterioration is not something you have to put up with, because in most cases, this is caused by those pesky ROS Toxins doing their thing…
So Vision 20 is a unique compound of all-natural ingredients that totally support the eye to fight against these toxins.
They are as follows:
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin: These are types of carotenoids that work together to actively blast away those ROS Toxins. But hey – they’re not the common run of the mill carotenoid that you might have heard of… And no, they’re not found in carrots. Instead, they’re molecules that are found in many flowers – but one of the most potent sources is the humble marigold. These little babies protect your near vision, your far vision, and your night vision.
- Zinc: This is an essential ingredient in the mix because without it, your body can’t properly absorb Lutein and Zeaxantihin. But it must be included in the exact ration necessary, or it won’t do a damn thing to help your body absorb the carotenoids.
- Beta-Carotene: OK, yes you can find this in carrots (well, small amounts), and this form of vitamin A helps protect your vision against overly bright light (including blue light), and slows the death rate of vital eye cells.
- Lycopene: Found in red colored fruits, Lycopene protects the cells of the eyes and reduces oxidative stress.
- Rose Hips: These have remarkable levels of Lycopene, and thanks to their high antioxidant content support the health of your vision in many other ways.
- Retinyl Palmitate: Another form of vitamin A that supports the health of your genes. It also helps to reduce night blindness, cell damage, and those annoying spots in your vision.
- Tarurine: An amino acid that protects the eyes against light damage.
- Grape Seed Extract: Protects the cells of the lens within the eye, and also helps protect against ROS Toxins.
- Bilberry Extract: Helps fight against DNA damage and reduces the levels of ROS Toxins.
Who the heck is Dr. Ryan Shelton?
Shelton is the name behind Vision 20, and the medical director of Zenith Labs. This is a guy who’s dedicated his whole career to finding out the very latest in cutting edge solutions that are beneficial for the whole body. That’s why he called his family practice in Kansas City, Whole-Body health.
And with Vision 20 he’s uncovered a whole new, and unexpected solution to the blue radiation and toxins all around us that are the key cause of vision decline in the over 40s.
Who is Vision 20 for?
Well, if you’re considering a purchase of Vision 20, it’s highly likely that you’re worried about your vision. And this supplement will be and incredible asset in such cases. But the other big take-away is that even before you become aware of any deterioration, you need to be protecting your eyes from the constant assault of these ROS Toxins.
So with that in mind, Vision 20 is a supplement that’s suitable for each and every one of us. Because as we mentioned at the beginning, we all take our sight for granted – until, that is – it starts to fail…
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The Pros and Cons of Vision 20
The Pros
- Helps protect your far distance vision, that which you use when reading road signs and recognizing people from a distance.
- Helps protect your short distance vision – you know, your ability to read books and newspapers, or check your watch. Short distance vision is also what you use when reading your smartphone or computer screen. And, of course, this is when we really do need to be protecting our vision, because of that damaging blue light being emitted.
- Helps protect your low light vision. If you’re starting to notice any issues about driving at night, then you need to start protecting your low light vision NOW, before it’s too late.
- The potent ingredients contained within the Vision 20 supplement are backed by 23 studies, research, and articles that prove how powerful they are in the fight against deteriorating vision.
The Cons
- So, the biggest ‘con’ is probably the Over-The-Top advertising. And, to be honest, it really isn’t necessary. Because the powerful combination of ingredients within Vision 20 don’t need any ‘bigging up’, they do all the talking on there own. So shame on you, the advertising team behind Vision 20… Trust in your product, not the clever words that might frighten some people in to parting with their hard earned cash…
The Bottom Line
OK, so advertising aside, we have to say that Vision 20 is one of the best vision aid supplements that we’ve come across in a long, long time. Not only is the combination of ingredients truly potent, but they’re sourced from the highest quality as well. This is very different from a lot of similar sounding supplements that use cheaper, and therefore less effective, forms of ingredients.
And hey – you don’t even need to take our word for it. Because Vision 20 comes with a massive 180-day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee. So you can take it for a whole 6 months, and if you’re not happy for any reason whatsoever, get every single cent of your money back.
In our humble opinion, this is a great product. And not just for those who’ve already noticed any vision deterioration – it’s suitable for all. Yep – it certainly gets the thumbs up from us, that’s for sure…