Over 40 Ab Solution Review – Will This Help You Get Abs After 40?

12 Minutes A Day For Perfect Abs…?  Especially Designed For The Over 40s…?  No Diet, No Calorie Counting, No Cutting Carbs…?  No Way Is Such A Thing Possible…

over 40 ab solution review

Getting older sucks…!  And this is true in so many ways.  But one of the most annoying things associated with hitting the big four-oh, five-oh, or even six-oh is the way that fat seems to develop a love affair with your body – and especially around the belly area.

So when we came across the Over 40 Ab Solution on this special website here, a system specifically designed for those of us in the second half (better half?) of our lives, then we were, naturally, very interested.

But not perhaps for the reason you might first thing.  Sure, we too have that constant battle against the ever-growing spare tire.  But it’s highly likely that you, like us, have been conned by such ‘miracle’ weight loss products in the past.  And, we have to say, the sound of amazing results with only 12 minutes work per day sounds pretty damn suspicious, don’t you agree…?

Cue a deep dive into exactly what the Over 40 Ab Solution is really all about.  And if you’re considering buying in, then we highly suggest you give us just a couple of minutes of your time to read what we discovered.  Because, we have to say, it’s veryyyyy interesting indeed…

What do you get for your money with Over 40 Ab Solution?

OK, so Over 40 Ab Solution is, as the title plainly states, not intended for young people.  In fact, because of the way the body changes as it ages, once you reach your late 30s onwards, the key to successfully ditching excess weight needs to be approached at a totally different angle.  And once you hit the age of 35 or so, your body undergoes a dramatic hormonal shift.  And it’s this that sees us piling on the body fat, as well as other health issues, such as decreased aerobic ability, joint problems, blood sugar issues, and even loss of libido.

Over 40 Ab Solution is a unique program that works with – instead of against – your hormones.  And it does so in the following way:

  • Zone 1 – It Primes The Hormones: This is done by a combination of the way you eat before exercise, and a pre-exercise ritual.  Together these work to decrease the body’s storage hormone, Insulin, so it’s easier to access stubborn fat cells, and also helps those in their 40s, 50s, and 60s start burning belly fat much faster.  In addition, discover a simple, post-exercise rule that naturally tweaks the hormones for accelerated calorie burning AFTER exercise.
  • Zone 2 – Optimize & Release The Hormones: Using 3 specific movements, these help optimize and release the necessary hormones that both increase your metabolic rate and help shrink fat cells.
  • Zone 3 – The Burn: A simple metabolic movement prevents the body restoring the depleted fat cells, and helps continue burning off fatty acids.

And the complete program breaks down like this:

  • The Over 40 Ab Solution Training Manual: The blueprint of the whole program, containing the exact 12 minute metabolic protocols that are specifically designed for those over 40.  Contains exercise charts, 20 different exercises, and all you need to know to easily carry out those few minutes of gentle exercise each day.
  • The Over 40 Ab Solution Follow-Along Success Tracker: Nothing gives you more motivation than being able to see your progress.  So this print off guide is the perfect way to do this.  And research has shown that such a visual aid increases your results, as well as your consistency to remain on track.
  • The Over 40 Ab Solution Diet Guidelines & Grocery List: So you never need wonder what to buy or how much you should be eating for optimum weight loss.  And hey – now, this is important – there’s no calorie counting, starving yourself, or any other diet related aspect of Over 40 Ab Solution – hurrah!  Just sensible eating that always sees you satisfied after each meal.
  • The Over 40 Ab Solution Fast Start Guide: For those who’re just so busy (or can’t wait to get started), this guide strips the whole program down to the bare bones.  5 minutes, and you’re ready to rock n roll.
  • The Over 40 Stubborn Fat Solution: Using scientifically proven methods to increase blood flow to any stubborn fat spot on your body, learn the 7 minute kicker that’ll blast away even the most stubborn areas of fat from your body.
  • The Over 40 Ab Solution’s Hormone Optimization Diet Manual: Discover the 19 eating habits that’ll super charge your fat loss efforts, as well as other top tips that’ll help further optimize your hormones for fat loss.

>> Ready To Try Over 40 Ab Solution, Click Here Now <<

So What’s The Proof That It Actually Works?

Every single part of the Over 40 Ab Solution program is based on scientific research and studies – more than 30 of them, to be exact.  For instance, a 2011 study has shown that excessive regular exercise increases the stress hormone, Cortisol, which is associated with visceral belly fat, heart disease, and cancer.  Too much regular exercise increases hunger levels, which in turn leads to overeating.  And in addition, it increases harmful free radicals within the body that attack the cells and play a major role in many illnesses associated with aging.

Who is Over 40 Ab Solution for?

So, first of all, this is NOT a program for those in their 20s or early 30s.  As the name suggests, Over 40 Ab Solution is for those over the age of 40 (well, we’d probably say also the few years leading up to your 40th, as well).  It’s designed for those who’ve probably tried and failed many a time to successfully lose weight, as well as those who already follow an exercise regime but are starting to feel that perhaps it’s not really working as well as it used to.

And, it’s super aimed at those who can’t (or don’t want) to sacrifice 30, 40, 50, 60 or more minutes per day to look great.  All you need is 12 minutes, which – let’s be honest – can be fitted into any schedule, no matter how busy you might be.

The Pros and Cons of Over 40 Ab Solution

The Pros

  • Every single 12 minute exercise contained in Over 40 Ab Solution can be carried out anywhere at any time. There’s no need for any fancy equipment or gym membership.
  • In addition to targeting the loss of that hated belly fat, the hormone optimization helps improve overall fat burning efficiency, controls your blood sugar, and is great for heart health.
  • Scientifically proven that this program really does allow you to exercise far less, but get faster results than you’ve ever imagined were possible.
  • Optimizing your hormones has so many health benefits, including increased stamina, less fatigue, better muscle tone, and an increased libido as you age.

The Consover 40 ab solution guarantee

  • The only real ‘con’ will be your own doubts that such a program could actually work. But hey – it comes with a 90 day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee, so you really will be trying it out at no risk whatsoever.

The Bottom Line

We have to say, we really did have our doubts about the Over 40 Ab Solution.  After all, we’ve been conned so many times before, and it really is a case of ‘once bitten, twice shy’.  But the scientific evidence behind the very reasons that Over Ab Solution works is solid and plentiful.  And, in a nutshell, if you follow the program it really does produce results.

Sure, you’ll have to be sensible and lay off the cookies, candy, pop, etc – but all of that’s just common sense when you’re trying to lose weight.  The best thing about Over 40 Ab Solution is that it’s been created in line with the natural aging process of the body.  And that’s what makes it so efficient.  Over 40 Ab Solution really could be your answer to ditching that flabby belly once and for all.  Ww love it – and think you will too.

>>Click Here To Get Over 40 Ab Solution at The Best Deal Available Now<<