Really! A Simple Smoothie Drunk Twice A Day Can Result In Rapid Weight Loss, Vibrant Health, Increased Energy, And A Happier, Healthier, Future…? You’ll Excuse Us If We’re Ever So Slightly Cynical…!
So, something that tends to hit a lot of guys in their late 40s and early 50s is the dreaded ‘middle aged spread’. We put on a few pounds, then a few more… Our health suffers… We visit the doc and he puts us on some pills… Maybe we become less attractive to the opposite sex (after all, who wants a fella with a spare tire or two around his middle?).

But apparently, all is not lost. Because you can put all this into reverse with Li Kung 14-Day Liver Detox – simply by adding a couple of smoothies a day to your diet…
Sound too good to be true? Yeah – that’s what we thought too… So this left us with no choice but to get down and dirty with exactly what Li Kung’s Liver Detox is really all about.
Below is what we discovered. And although we say so ourselves, we think you’ll find it pretty damn interesting…
What do you get for your money with Li Kung 14 Day Liver Detox ?
So, what Li Kung’s Liver Detox is all about is, drum roll please…. Detoxifying the liver (yes, we know you didn’t really need that spelled out for you). But there is a reason why we’ve highlighted this yet again. And that’s because it’s been proven that the surge in obesity levels within the US is down to liver toxicity.
You see, the foods that we’ve all become so accustomed to eating are literally poisoning our liver. Because they’re so full of ‘bad stuff’, that the poor organ simply can’t cope with detoxifying it all.
But there’s good news. And that’s that the liver is the only organ that can regenerate itself is the liver. But it doesn’t end there. Because if your liver becomes healthy once again, this will totally transform all other areas of your health, your weight, and your energy levels.
When you buy into Li Kung’s Liver Detox, you get the following:
- The Li Kung 14 Day Liver Detox: This is the crux of the program – the main book. Here you’ll discover the all about the liver, and it’s role in the body. All of the information is based on traditional Chinese medicine (and backed by scientific evidence), and all about the mother of antioxidants – Glutathione.
You’ll get 17 powerful, easy to prepare, delicious smoothie recipes that stimulate the body’s natural production of Glutathione, a full shopping list, and what’s being billed as a ruthlessly effective 2-week smoothie protocol.
These smoothies are simply added to your regular diet – you drink one in the morning and one in the evening. You don’t need to change anything else that you eat or drink…
- Fat Busting Supplements: Further increase your body’s ability to burn excess fat by including these extra natural foodstuffs in your regular diet.
- Energy Boosting Formula:Even more advice on how to boost your natural energy levels simply by eating the ‘right stuff’ on a regular basis. And guess what, it’s delicious too…
>> Ready To Try Li Kung 14 Day Liver Detox? Click Here Now <<
So is there any proof behind the claims?
Yes, there is irrefutable proof that Glutathione is pivotal to our health. The thing is, it begins to decrease within the body as we age, and a growing number of studies have reported that the increase in pretty much all degenerative diseases is due to Glutathione deficiency.
A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that among people with heart disease, those with the least amount of Glutathione in their blood were 30% more likely to have a heart attack.
Best selling author, Dr. Mark Hyman, describes it as the ‘Master Detoxifier’. And that Glutathione deficiency is found in nearly all very ill patients (such as those with cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autoimmune disease, kidney problems, asthmas, diabetes…).
Who is Li Kung 14 Day Liver Detox for?
Naturally Li Kung’ Liver Detox is going to appeal to those who’re overweight and in poor health. But hey, it’s been proven that by the age of 30 our Glutathione levels begin to drop, so surely ensuring that we eat the foodstuffs that naturally help the body to produce the stuff even when we’re in good health would be advantageous?
And giving the body the ability to create it’s own is way, way more powerful than taking a Glutathione supplement. S actually, Li Kung’s Liver Detox would be something that all of should take note of – not matter what our age or whether we’re male or female…
>> Grab Li Kung’s 14 Day Liver Detox Now, Just Click here <<
The Pros and Cons of Li Kung’s Liver Detox
The Pros
- There is true scientific proof behind the necessity to give the body what it needs to detoxify the liver and let it return to it’s natural, power house state. And that proof is the necessity of Glutathione levels…
- All of the ingredients needed to make the smoothies are inexpensive and easy to get hold of.
- There’s no need to change your diet – you simply need to add these delicious smoothies to your daily routine to allow your liver to detox and regenerate.
- Everything about Li Kung’s Liver Detox is 100% natural, and has been created by those with massive medical research knowledge.
The Cons
- Listen, we’re not saying that anyone in full on liver failure is going to be able to regenerate their liver simply by following Li Kung’s Liver Detox – this can’t perform miracles. But as long a the liver hasn’t deteriorated too much (in other words, you’re ‘simply’ overweight and unhealthy), then providing it with the correct nutrients really can transform your health, weight, and energy levels.
The Bottom Line
In case you were wondering, the reason it’s called Li Kung 14 Day Liver Detox is simply because the idea behind the product came from a Chinese guy – Li King – who, on moving to the US, became curious as to why he began to put on weight after a few years of following a typical American diet. And guess what? The stuff we US citizens eat is certainly NOT doing us any favors…
So if you’re ready to easily transform your health – and lose any excess weight you need to – then we honestly do believe that Li Kung’s Liver Detox could be exactly what you’re looking for. And the makers are so confident that they’re giving a 60-day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee. So you’ve nothing to lose – except the poor health and the fat, that is…