Lose Weight, Gain Energy, Lower Your Cholesterol, And Generally Feel Like A New Person…! We’d All Like Some Of That, Wouldn’t We? But Get All This Without Dieting Or Watching What You Eat…? Hmmm – We’re Going To Take Some Convincing…
Listen up, girls (and guys…!). There can’t be many folks out there that are happy with their weight, their health, their energy levels, and their stress levels. So when we came across the Green Smoothie Girl Detox, a 26 Day Detox – a product that professes to be able to reverse all of that – WITHOUT DIETING – we have to admit to being a teeny bit cynical. (And the ‘teeny’ was sarcasm, in case you didn’t get it!).
After all. You – like us – have probably tried every diet on the planet, scoffed down every health food fad that hits the news, wasted a small fortune on gym fees, and you STILL aren’t happy with your weight. You STILL feel tired all the time. You STILL know that you’re digestive system isn’t working as it should. And you STILL get stressed out, anxious, or depressed over life’s every day problems.
So, when the Green Smoothie Girl Detox promises to change all that – in an easy journey that even the most fickle of us can follow, we had to find out more. But hey! Before you even consider spending one red cent on this ‘too good to be true’ product, you need to know exactly what it is your purchasing. And, most importantly, does it even have the slightest chance of delivering on its promises.
We decided the only thing to do was to get down and dirty with exactly what the product was all about. Read on to discover the low down. We think you’ll be somewhat fascinated….
What do you get for your money with Green Smoothie Girl Detox, aka The 26 Day Detox?
OK, so – as the name gives away – Green Smoothie Girl Detox is a detox program that they describe as ‘the most productive rest-and-repair’ you’ll ever be likely to give your body.
There’s a few different levels of membership, but we’re going to focus on the Lifetime Full Support package because it contains everything you need to truly give your body the break it needs. It consists of the following:
- The Green Smoothie Girl Detox Manual: Here you get every single bit of information about how the detox program works. You’ll discover – amongst other things – how to detoxify your liver, colon, kidneys, gallbladder, blood, and cleanse your Lymphatic System in just 26 days! Lose weight if you need to, reduce your metabolic burden, discover your food sensitivities, and much, much more…
- The Green Smoothie Girl Detox Quick Start Guide: Does exactly as it promises in the title!
- The Green Smoothie Girl Detox Facebook Group: Exclusive access where you’ll get support from GSG and other fellow detoxers.
- The Green Smoothie Girl Detox Portal: Here you benefit from Monday night Q&A calls, extra daily content, and eBook manual and quick start guide.
- The Green Smoothie Girl Detox Wallet Card: To remind you which ingredients you need to avoid when shopping.
- The Newest ‘Legal’ Cheat: A delicious, proprietary, new, organic, plant based protein that you can enjoy at anytime during your detox program
- Organic Sprouted Flax: The perfect addition to optimize your results, packed with Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber
- Ultimate Minerals: An uber-effect detoxifier, containing more than 80 minerals for outstanding results
- Your High Vibe Life: An exclusive opportunity to be one of the first to receive Robyn Openshaw’s (creator of the Green Smoothie Girl Detox – more about here later) new book.
- Free Audio Book of Your High Vibe Life: Because the hardback version isn’t released until the fall. But you get the audiobook way before that via email.
- 10 Minute Vibration Raising Videos for Everyday: Use these celebrity created videos that combine tai chi, tap, yoga, and mediation to help you release negative energies and find your power!
- $50 dollars off: A coupon to use against the programs favorite detox supplement kits for pathogens, parasites, or general detoxing.
- Skin Brush and Chart
Phew! Now that’s a lot of stuff. And that’s only what we can fit on the page!
>> Click Here To Get The Green Smoothie Girl Detox Now <<
So who the heck is Robyn Openshaw?
Well, we could write a book on Robyn (AKA, the Green Smoothie Girl)! But in a nutshell, she’s a gal who’s learned the hard way that diet has a massive impact on health. Proven time and time again – even against medical advice – she’s shown that there’s a true link between what you eat and the health of your body. Sure! Nutrition can’t cure all evils, but it sure can change your life for the better, and see off a whole lot of ‘21st century’ problems if you only know exactly what to include and what to avoid.
Who is Green Smoothie Girl Detox for?
Well, most people who come across a product such as the Green Smoothie Girl Detox are already in a whole heap of trouble. Overweight perhaps, or chronically fatigued. Perhaps you’re anxious, stressed, depressed… Maybe you suffer from bloating or other digestive issues. And yes, this detox program is aimed squarely at people just like that.
But we also think they’re missing a trick here. Because pretty much all of us can benefit from following a detox program such as this. Just because you’re coping, doesn’t mean your firing on all cylinders. And detoxing your digestive system could well give you massive health benefits that you didn’t even realize you needed!
The Pros and Cons of Green Smoothie Girl Detox
The Pros
- Results come real fast with this outstanding detoxification program. You’ll literally watch your symptoms melt away day after day, as your body learns to refocus on working in the way nature intended it to.
- No need to worry about menu plans or meal preparations, because they’re all laid out for you in a super-easy to follow format.
- Thanks to the wonderful food elimination part of the program, you’ll discover connections between various foodstuffs and your symptoms that you wouldn’t otherwise become aware of.
- You’ll discover how to minimize any future exposure to food and toxins within the environment, so minimizing the chances of poor digestion or health reoccurring.
>> Click Here To Get The Green Smoothie Girl Detox Now <<
The Cons
- We have to say, it’s pretty difficult to find a ‘con’ with this program. If we were pushed hard, we can only say that the only problem will be that people have probably bought into similar sounding products before, with less than satisfactory results. This one, we have to say, really does deliver what it promises – and in a short 26 days (the length of the program), you’ll honestly be wondering how you got by feeling as bad as you did before.
The Bottom Line
Well, if you haven’t quite got it yet, we LOVE the Green Smoothie Girl Detox program. For anyone who wants to become the very best they can – such as losing weight, dropping their cholesterol levels, saying goodbye to those pesky digestive problems, and feeling full of energy and on top of the world, then this is the detox you need to follow.
And we love the camaraderie it offers, thanks to the Facebook group, the forum, the regular emails, videos, Q&As – you really won’t feel that you’re in it alone any more. If you want to feel 20 years younger, then give the Green Smoothie Girl Detox program a try. It certainly won’t be a move you regret…
>> Click Here To Get The Green Smoothie Girl Detox Now <<