Is This Truly A Low Carb Protein Supplement That’s Any Different From Everything Else On The Market? Or Is It Just More Of The Same Old, Same Old…
You know how it is. You work out, eat a sensible diet and do your best to sculpt your body into the best shape of your life. And naturally, protein supplements are part of that process. And of course, you want to take the best that money can buy – your body is a temple, after all. But is when the marketing for BioTrust Low Carb says that it’s better than anything else on the market today, can you really believe what they say? Or is it just clever copywriters managing to con you into spending money on their product rather than someone elses?
We decided to get down and dirty with the BioTrust Low Carb supplement, and see if it really does offer anything different.
What we discovered certainly makes for fascinating reading…
What do you get for your money with BioTrust Low Carb Protein Shake?
Okay, so BioTrust Low Carb protein is a 100% all-natural, hormone free, flavor free, sweetener free and artificial color free supplement. So far, so good. But why is it claiming to be different from anything else on the market?
Well, BioTrust Nation are well known for providing supplements and health products that actually do what they promise. And not only is BioTrust Low Carb a healthy supplement to take, but it’s a blend of four proteins that are time released at strategic times after taking. You need to make sure your body is absorbing all that protein too, so you might need to check out these digestive enzymes in addition.
What makes BioTrust Low Carb supplement different from all the rest on the market includes the following:
- It’s Truly Low Carb: but packs an amazing 4 grams of high quality fiber per serving, with only 1 gram of sugar per 24 grams of protein!
- Sweetened naturally: with stevia extract and a naturally sweet form of fiber known as inulin.
- It’s 100% all-natural: with no artificial anything contained within.
- No Dangerous Growth Hormones: this means that it’s sourced from cows that HAVEN’T been treated with the dangerous growth hormone rBGH and rBST.
- Low Temperatures Preserve The Natural State Of The Proteins: by only treating all the proteins used in BioTrust Low Carb at carefully controlled low temperatures, thus preserving their bio availability and natural state.
- Includes The Rolls Royce Of Proteins: the slow digesting Micellar Casein that many other protein supplements don’t include because it’s so expensive.
>>Click Here to Get BioTrust Low Carb Protein Shake<<
* I may earn compensation for my review of the Biotrust Nutrition products discussed on this website.
Who is BioTrust Low Carb Protein Shake for?
If you’re serious about your body; serious about getting to the best physical shape possible, and serious about not wasting your money on sub-standard supplements or filling your body with unhealthy products, then you need to be taking BioTrust Low Carb as part of your training regime.
And because it’s 100% all natural, this means that anyone and everyone can take it. Male, female, young or old, this is one product that’s going to aid you in your fitness efforts, without any long term or hidden health effects that might creep up on you in years to come.
Who is BioTrust Nutrition?
BioTrust Nutrition was born out of two guys desire to create fitness supplements and diet aids that actually did what they proclaimed to do. Josh and Joel are first and foremost nutrition and fitness experts. And creating BioTrust Nutrition occurred simply because they couldn’t find the products they needed for their fitness efforts anywhere on the market.
Most supplements and diet aids were crammed full of substances they didn’t want to take, and were only an aid to making their producers as much money as they could. They didn’t really care about the end result. So Josh and Joel decided to change all that, and BioTrust Nutrition was born.
>>Click Here to Get BioTrust Low Carb Protein Shake<<
The Pros and Cons of BioTrust Low Carb Protein Shake
The Pros
- Completely safe to take, for anyone at any stage of life, thanks to being 100% all natural and not containing any good health affecting products whatsoever.
- Low in sugar, yet high in fiber and super high in protein.
- Contains a special enzyme called ProHydrolase – a patented blend that dramatically enhances the ability of the body to break down, absorb and utilize whey protein.
- Tastes great – in fact, BioTrust Low Carb is probably one of the best tasting protein supplements on the market.
- And, BioTrust Low Carb is backed up with an incredible, 1-year money back guarantee. Yes, really! So if at any time in the 12 months after purchase you decide that you want to, then you can get every red cent of your money back.
>>Click Here to Get BioTrust Low Carb Protein Shake<<
The Cons
- Well, the only thing that BioTrust Low Carb can’t do for you is your training! But then, would you really want it to. After all, half the fun of training is the work you have to put in. And by taking a protein supplement that really does do all that it promises, then your results are going to be better than you ever imagined possible.
The Bottom Line
Okay, so if you haven’t already gathered it from the above, we LOVE BioTrust Low Carb! Safe to take, does what it says on the label and great tasting, what more could you ask for. In fact, we’d go as far to say that this is probably one of the best protein supplements we’ve ever come across.
Thanks guys, from us, from the thousands of already satisfied users that you have worldwide, and from those who’ve yet to sample your product.
In a nutshell, BioTrust Low Carb rocks!!!

* I may earn compensation for my review of the Biotrust Nutrition products discussed on this website.
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