Come On… Is There Really Such A Thing As A ‘Healthy’ Cookie? Let Alone One That Can Actually Do You Some Good…
Okay, so we all know that eating healthily is somewhat of a challenge. And everyone (yes, even you) gets the odd ‘reach for the cookie jar’ craving once in a while. But there’s so many so called health cookies and bars on the market and, when you get down to the nitty gritty of reading the ingredients, pretty much all of them don’t contain the kind of products that you want to be putting into your body.
So when we came across the BioTrust Protein Cookies we naturally thought that these were simply more of the same old, same old. But, we have to admit, the company does produce some pretty damn fine nutritional products. So we decided to push our cynicism to one side (well, as much as we can – we’re not saints, after all), and give them a serious road test.
And what we discovered certainly makes for interesting reading…
or go here and get them now…
What do you get for your money with BioTrust Protein Cookies?
Well, what BioTrust Protein Cookies are selling themselves as, is the ‘healthiest, most delicious high protein cookie ever created.’ Wow – now that’s some claim. So what do you actually get?
- Hormone and antibiotic free – 100% guaranteed.
- Free from all the usual ‘bad’ products – that you generally find in products of this kind. Such as trans-fats, gluten, wheat, soy and are non-GMO.
- No artificial colors or sweeteners – that are so terrible for the body’s digestion and growth.
- 12 grams – of time released protein contained in each cookie. This protein is the equal part blend of protein that BioTrust use in many of their products. This includes Micellar Casein, the very best of all protein supplements. And this amount of protein is more than you find in a large glass of milk or an extra large hard boiled egg.
- 6 grams – of fiber per cookie
- 100% all natural ingredients – using the highest quality and best tasting protein blend on the planet.
>>Click Here To Get Your Protein Cookies Now<<
- I may earn compensation for my review of the Biotrust Nutrition products discussed on this website.
Who is BioTrust Protein Cookies for?

BioTrust Protein Cookies are, of course, ideal for those who’re working out and getting their body into shape but still want to enjoy the odd treat here and there. After all, no-one wants to put all that work into sculpting their body only to slow down progress by snacking on products that actively inhibit this.
But they’re also ideal for those who’re looking to lose weight by dieting, or even for those who’re happy with their weight but want to enjoy a delicious and health promoting snack. In fact, you can add BioTrust Protein Cookies into any diet and munch away totally guilt free…!
Who is BioTrust Nutrition?
BioTrust Nutrition is the brainchild of two guys, Josh and Joel, who became fed up with only being able to find diet aids and supplements that promoted themselves as healthy, but were anything but! Hence their company was born…
The ethos behind BioTrust Nutrition is that every single product is not only guaranteed to contain only pure products, but also ingredients that promote health within the body. No added substances, sugars or anything that is detrimental to your fitness progress.
The Pros and Cons of BioTrust Protein Cookies
The Pros
- First and foremost, BioTrust Protein Cookies are absolutely delicious. Melt in the mouth, yummy and guaranteed to satisfy even the sweetest of sweet tooth.
- They are suitable for anyone who has any type of intolerance to gluten, wheat, soy or artificial colors and ingredients.
- Because the protein is sourced from cows NOT treated with dangerous growth hormones such as rBST or rBGH, you can eat them with the confidence that you’re not putting any unnatural or synthetic hormones into your body.
- No artificial sweeteners, whatsoever. These widely used products, such as aspartame etc, are proven to not only fail to help you lose weight, but to actively do the opposite – thanks to the effect they have on the body’s uptake of leptin to the brain.
- The protein contained in the cookies is slow release. This means you don’t get a rush of sugar to the body, creating sugar spikes and those awful sugar highs and lows.
- BioTrust Protein Cookies come with an incredible, 1 year 100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied with your progress.
>>Click Here To Get Your Protein Cookies Now<<
The Cons
- Well, the biggest con with these cookies is that they’re so delicious, you’re gonna have to stop your family and friends delving in and depleting your supply! Because once tasted, they’re going to become converts to the cookies as well. Get off! – Buy your own…
The Bottom Line
Well, well, well… We certainly didn’t expect to have come to the conclusion that we have done. And that’s that BioTrust Protein Cookies really are what they say on the label – and then some! These are honestly the first ‘health’ cookie that we’ve ever come across that really don’t contain any products that are detrimental to your health. And not only that, they really are just like the ones Momma used to bake!
We also like the little extra bonus that you get with each purchase – and that’s a free copy of the 7 Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet, a book that every one of us can use to our advantage if we need to drop a few pounds fast.
In a nutshell, BioTrust Protein Cookies are well worth trying, and are up to the high standard that we’ve come to expect from all the BioTrust Nutrition products.
Well done guys, and thanks. Cookie, anyone….? Click Here to order yours now.