So, Ladies Of A Certain Age… Apparently Our ‘Issues’ – And By That We’re Talking Excess Weight Gain, Fatigue, Low Energy, And Senior Moments – Could All Be Caused By An Unknown Thyroid Problem… Hmmm… As If We Didn’t Have Enough To Worry About At This Stage Of Life…

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Girls – we certainly drew the short straw when it came to battling through the maze of life. Not only do we have to cope with giving birth, periods, being perfectly groomed, regular defuzzing, not to mention looking after men (because yes – we all know that much as they like to think they’re the protector, it’s actually us who does most of the protecting – but, shhh – let’s not give too many secrets away), but once we hit a certain age then there’s the added problems of getting fatter, fatigue, and falling energy levels…
And apparently, according to the folks behind the Thyroid Factor, in many cases it’s due to an undiagnosed sluggish thyroid problem. Well that’s just great, isn’t it…? And combine it with the dreaded menopause, and this equals a fat belly, aches and pains, fatigue, brain fog (or senior moments – whatever you like to call them) and a whole bunch of other health issues (did someone mention thinning hair!).
The Thyroid Factor is a 21-day boosting system that will, apparently, combat all of these factors. Really…? It sounds a bit suss to us… But then hey, we’re all brain fogged, fat, and sluggish, right…?
OK, so there was only one thing to do. And that was to find out everything there is to know about The Thyroid Factor. And find out we certainly did. So, fellow females… If you’re heading towards (or are already in) that menopause time of life, then you’re going to be truly interested in what we found out.
Take a deep breath… Because you’re in for a roller coaster ride…
What do you get for your money with Thyroid Factor?
So, as we’ve already mentioned, The Thyroid Factor is a 21-day boosting system that will help you slash those extra pounds, get rid of your fatigue and brain fog, and soup-up your energy levels.
It’s based on proven and powerful thyroid nutrition strategies and techniques that are specifically designed to help the over 40 female body – and the thyroid gland in particular – wake up from its sluggish state. This is referred to as the ‘thyro-pause’, which is when your thyroid is low, and your menopause is high. When this happens, your metabolism literally takes a nose dive, resulting in – no prizes for guessing – increased belly fat and low energy levels…
The Thyroid Factor gives you all the information you need to reawaken your thyroid, and put all of these unwanted symptoms into reverse.
It breaks down like this:
- Component 1 – The 21 Day Thyroid Weight Loss System: This is the blueprint of the whole program, and lays out a unique nutrition strategy for any woman over the age of 45. Not only will you learn all the nutrition secrets that will balance the body, but you’ll discover a whole host of vital health information. This includes the questions you should ask your doctor, what the RIGHT thyroid lab tests are, supporting thyroid supplements, and how to break the habit of yo-yo dieting.
- Component 2 – 101 Thyroid Boosting Foods: From herbs to spices, teas to essential oils – these foodstuffs will super-boost your thyroid to start operating an its optimum level once more.
- Component 3 – Thyroid Jumpstart Guide: Your step-by-step guide to a healthy thyroid lifestyle in the quickest, easiest way possible. You’ll find everything you need to know to jumpstart your thyroid back to life, and it’s created especially to fit into your busy, hectic lifestyle.
Together these components show you exactly what you need to easily put into place to bring your thyroid back to life. The thing is, there’s a whole bunch of foodstuffs that actually prevent your thyroid from working as it should. So it’s essential to make sure you don’t include these.
You’ll also learn that it’s absolutely not necessary to suffer restrictive diets, slog for hours doing boring cardio, or put up with the ‘after lunch’ energy crash that seems to get worse with every passing month…
>> Click Here To Get Started With The Thyroid Factor & Get The Best Deal Available <<
Who the heck is Dawn Sylvester?
Sylvester is you – and all the women like you suffering from the ‘thyro-pause’. She’s 57, and has spent the last decade and a half understanding and working with thousands of women to discover the real reason we get fatter, more tired, and lack energy as we age. Because she used to suffer as well, until she worked out the real reason this happens.
And this research isn’t just the work of a single person, although Dawn is the one who’s put it all together.. She’s worked alongside some of the best menopause and thyroid experts in the world to come up with what’s culminated in the 21 day system that’s known as The Thyroid Factor.
Who is Thyroid Factor for?
Ladies… Have you passed the big four-oh!? Or, horror of horrors, is that – gulp – half century milestone almost upon you? Perhaps you’re mom’s reaching that age, and she just doesn’t quite seem herself any more… Well, the Thyroid Factor could be just the boost you need to a) stop that belly fat piling up, b) get your laser sharp mind back again, and c) become revitalized and stop feeling so damn tired all the time…
The Pros and Cons of Thyroid Factor
The Pros
- The correct, thyroid awakening diet, means that you can eat delicious, filling, and truly healthy foods. It puts an end to restrictive diets, bland food, or starving yourself for days on end.
- Finally become free from the mind-numbingly boring cardio exercise that you think is so necessary to try and lose weight. Not to mention getting back the hours that this gym time eats into your week.
- Say goodbye to brain fog… Forget excusing your memory lapses on age or ‘time of life’, and recover the laser sharp thought processes you enjoyed in your 20s and 30s.
- Rejoice in the fact that your belly fat and overall body fat will easily begin to disappear, bringing your super flat, sexy belly back on show once again.
The Cons
- OK, ladies. This all sounds great, doesn’t it…? But be aware that this is NOT a miracle product that’ll see you losing 50 lbs with no effort on your behalf… No such thing exists – and if anyone tells you different they’re trying to scam you… But what the Thyroid Factor is, is a realistic nutritional program that’s uniquely put together for the over 40s woman. And thankfully, hours of boring cardio or restrictive diets aren’t part of it…
The Bottom Line
Well girls… The Thyroid Factor is certainly an eye-opener. And boy, is it something that could change a lot of lives. The sad truth is that your doctor or health care provider will tell you that the symptoms of menopause and sluggish thyroid are something you ‘just have to put up with’.
But thanks to the tireless work of Dawn Sylvester and other experts, it’s now becoming very clear that you DON’T have to put up with it. Instead, all you need do is make a few easy tweaks to your diet and thoughts around exercise. And you can jump start this change using the 21-day program of Thyroid Factor. It really could be a life changer, especially if right now you’re feeling old beyond your years.
And hey! The Thyroid Factor comes with an unconditional, 100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied. So you really can try it risk free… The Thyroid Factor certainly gets the thumbs up from us, and if you give it a go, it could well be the best move you’ve ever made…