So Apparently We’re All Being Lied To… No Matter What Your Doctor Says, Herpes IS Treatable. And Not Only That – It’s Possible To Rid Your Body Of Every Last Shred Of The Disease…!

… Now, wouldn’t that be something…? But hang on a second. Because if such a thing were really possible, why on earth wouldn’t your doctor know about it…? ‘Ping!’ That’s our light bulb going off to warn us of an upcoming scam product…!
Because, whatever way you look at it, Herpes Blitz Protocol certainly looks too good to be true. And when something hits that target, you can be damn sure that we’re gonna dig deep and dirty to uncover the truth. So if you’re considering a purchase, then you’d best read what we found out. After all, it’s your hard earned cash. And the last thing you want to be doing is sending it to some con artist who’s only interested in the size of their bank account…or if you already have your mind made up, just click here now.
What do you get for your money with Herpes Blitz Protocol?
OK, so what Herpes Blitz Protocol is, is an-all natural method of fighting the virus from within, without the need for harmful medication. It does this by showing you the exact delicious products that you need to include in your diet, all of which have a powerful effect on the sneaky herpes virus. Because it is sneaky… It hides within the cells of the body, sometimes waiting years before any symptoms begin to show. In fact, it’s so good at hiding that many (many!) people, aren’t even aware that they have it.
But we digress…
Anyway, let’s talk more about some of the most powerful natural products that you’ll introduce into your diet via the Herpes Blitz Protocol, and why they’re so important.
- Curcumin: This is the primary compound found in turmeric (it’s what makes it that orangey-yellow color). But the most exciting aspect of curcumin is that it has remarkable antiviral effects on the HSV-1 virus – that’s one of the two types of herpes virus. And if that’s not enough, there’s also a study that reports that curcumin also reduces HSV-2 activity (the second type of the virus) by an incredible 50%…! And, hold on, because there’s more – much more…! Another study, printed in the medical journal, Virology, states that it prevents the replication of the herpes virus by “inhibiting the activity of its viral protein and preventing genes from promoting the virus’ replication and the ability to infect”.
- Quercetin: This humble little ingredient has countless studies that prove its worth as an incredible antiviral. It fights both HSV-1 and HSV-2, and has even been described as having ‘virucidal’ properties. In other words, it literally seeks out and destroys the herpes virus!
- Resveratrol: This product, found in red grapes, is being hailed more and more over the years for its uber-amazing health qualities. And in the case of the herpes virus…? Well, amongst other research, it’s been proven to prevent replication of both the HSV-1 and HSV-2 within the body by “blocking activation of the inflammatory transcription factor protein”. Now, this sounds very sciency, but suffice to say this means that it prevents the virus from replicating within the body. In other words, you put a full stop to it taking over healthy cells, and therefore it can’t spread.
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These key ingredients, along with other proven, natural anti-herpes foodstuffs, have been designed into delicious smoothies that you can create at home. And these work on the virus within the body in a direct, two-pronged attack:
- The Search Phase: Seven days worth of smoothie recipes packed with the exact ingredients that will block the LSD-1 protein that’s responsible for the virus’ ability to replicate.
- The Destroy Phase: 21-days of smoothie recipes all jam-packed with the ingredients that contain what you need to literally smash the virus from your body. In addition, it’s also super heart and body healthy too, so you get a double whammy in the health stakes!
Who is Herpes Blitz Protocol for?
Got herpes? Or know someone who does? Then the Herpes Blitz Protocol is probably the most valuable product you’ll ever come across. This isn’t simply masking the terrible symptoms; it’s actively treating the root cause, and CURING your herpes. This means no hanging around, just waiting for those awful symptoms to raise their ugly head once more. No more embarrassing cold sores, problems ‘down there’, pain, and all the other horribleness that comes with having herpes. You just get it cured, once and for all, for good…!
So why hasn’t my doctor told me about it?
The thing is, the two biggest funders of the American Herpes Foundation are…. Wait for it… GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis Pharmaceuticals. And guess what…? These are the very corporations that manufacturer the two most widely used herpes drugs: Zovirax, Valtrex, and Famvir. And you only need to put two and two together to realize that these guys certainly don’t want some ‘natural’ easy cure to become common knowledge. Just think how much money they’d lose…!
>> Get The Best Deal On Herpes Blitz Protocol, Just Click Here <<
The Pros and Cons of Herpes Blitz Protocol
The Pros
- In all the trials and tests used to study the effects of the Herpes Blitz Protocol, the success rate was an outstanding 100% cure rate!
- This incredible protocol has completely changed the lives of over 64,000 people!
- Simple to follow, with all the ingredients you need to make the yummy smoothies being easily available to purchase in your local grocery store.
- The exact combination and quantities are listed out for you, making it super-easy to ensure that you’re getting the very right amount of these herpes-busting super foods every day. And after your month’s ‘smoothie’ course, you won’t just be symptom free, you’ll be totally disease free… Period!!!
The Cons
- So, the biggest con will be your own doubts that such a simple product could have such an outstanding effect on your life. But the great thing is that you don’t even need to take our word for it. Because the Herpes Blitz Protocol comes with a full-blown, 60-day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee. And that, we have to say, is tantamount to how confident these guys are that the Herpes Blitz Protocol really will deliver on its promises.
The Bottom Line
Well, well, well… We have to say that we were truly cynical about this product. And hey! There’s nothing wrong with being cautious, that’s all we have to say about that! But we’re absolutely delighted to have been proven wrong. Because the Herpes Blitz Protocol really does do what it says, it CURES herpes! And that is one heck of a thing to be able to claim.
Oh yes… And you also get a few other bits and bobs along with the month-long herpes-eradicating plan. These include The Immune Protection Protocol, and The Sex Drive Stimulator – both of which again provide you with delicious smoothie food related ways to do exactly what they both promise in the title.
So, in a nutshell, the Herpes Blitz Protocol honestly does do what it promises – it actually cures the disease and has no side effects whatsoever. And this, we have to say, really is going to be a life-changing product for many. Awesome, that’s the only word for it. Awesome…!