A Simple All-Natural Supplement That Not Only Protects From Hearing Loss, But Can Reverse Any Damage That’s Already There… Now That, If It’s True, Is Something Verging On The Miraculous, Wouldn’t You Say…?

…And we don’t know about you – but we don’t believe in miracles… At least not ones that come packaged with clever advertising…
But, Zenith Labs Hearing X3, the product that promises to do this very miracle, comes from a company that’s proven many a-time to bring all-natural products to market that really do work. So despite our initial cynicism, we decided to dig a little deeper.
So of your or any of your loved ones suffer from any type of hearing issues, and are considering a purchase of Zenith Labs Hearing X3, then we suggest you take a couple of minutes to read our findings. Because they might just change your mind into whether or not you should waste your money…or if you already know you want it, just click here.
Zenith Labs Hearing X3 Ingredients & Supplement Facts

What do you get for your money with Zenith Labs Hearing X3?
As already mentioned, Zenith Labs Hearing X3 is an all-natural supplement in capsule form that protects and can help restore hearing. The thing is, our hearing is under attack each and every day. Hearing damage begins to occur at a lowly 85 decibels – about the sound of a hairdryer… And even if you try to avoid loud noise, there’s absolutely no way we can stop it occurring.
And then there’s the toxins we breathe, drink, eat, and absorb on a daily basis. These also wage a war on the inner ear and the fine hairs in our hearing system that are so vital to the health of our hearing.
But it’s been scientifically proven that there is a way you can fight against this unavoidable environmental damage. And that’s with some very powerful natural ingredients. And hey hey! Guess what…? It’s exactly these ingredients that are found within the supplement, Hearing X3, by Zenith Labs.
So let’s take a look at exactly what they are:
- Ginkgo Biloba: Clinically proven to fortify the immune system and protect the health of the inner ear (the cochlea to be precise) and prevent any further decline. It assists with flushing out toxins and improving blood flow. The herb also helps reduce any inner ear inflammation.
- Resveratrol: You’re probably more aware of the benefits of this to cardiovascular health, but it also has a powerful effect on the inner ear. It helps decrease inflammation and damage, and is a wonderful defense against age related hearing decline.
- Gotu Kola: An amazing herb that helps the blood vessels within the ear dilate, allowing the blood to flow to where its needed and provide the nutrition to the cells in order to assist in the preservation of hearing.
- Vitamins B12 and L-5-MTHF: More commonly known as the most active form of folic acid.
- COQ10: This has been clinically proven to protect hair cells from both toxic exposure and damage from loud noise.
- N-Acetyl-Cysteine: Shields from oxidative damage, inflammatory damage, and helps the ear cells guard against toxins and noise pollution.
- Vitamin C: Much research shows that those over 50 years with high levels have less problems with their hearing.
- Zinc Citrate: An anti oxidant that helps stabilize age related hearing decline.
- Astragalus: Can increase the number of hair cells and help them become and remain healthy.
- Chyrsanthemum: Another product with an antioxidant effect.
- Acetyl-L Carnitine: Reduces age related damage to the cochlea – a component of the inner ear.
- Alpha Lipoic Acid: Protects the hair cells within the ear from damage, and reduces any early onset age related hearing decline.
- L-Arginine: An Amino Acid that improves the health of blood vessels, and allows nutrient dense blood to nourish the inner ear cells.
- Vitamin A: Or retinol, protects the inner ears from oxidation. In other words, it keeps the lining from becoming swollen or inflamed, so allowing the blood to continue getting to exactly where it’s needed.
>> Click Here To Get The Best Deal Available On Hearing X3 <<
Who the heck is Dr. Ryan Shelton?
Shelton is the chief medical director at Zenith Labs, the company behind Hearing X3. In addition, he founded the Whole Body Health Clinic in Kansas City, a natural health center that helps its members access all natural health care. Ryan has dedicated his whole career to discovering and advancing natural and holistic health care.
And for the past decade he’s been working extremely hard to educate other health care professionals also learn about the amazing investigations and clinical research he’s studied and carried out. Oh, and we mustn’t forget to mention that he’s a licensed primary care physician – this guy really is the real deal all round…
Who is Zenith Labs Hearing X3 for?
If you, or any of your loved ones, are in the slightest bit concerned about the state of their hearing, then Zenith Labs Hearing X3 could be just the supplement to prevent further decline, and even help improve their level of hearing.
What’s also great is that all of the ingredients are completely natural, meaning that Hearing X3 really is suitable for absolutely everyone.
The Pros and Cons of Zenith Labs Hearing X3
The Pros
- Full of powerful, natural ingredients that really can help with hearing loss. This is thanks to opening up restricted blood vessels and capillaries so the blood can deliver vital nutrients to the ear cells, by lowering the stress hormone, cortisol, and by preventing the body from overproducing a chemical that can make the hearing nerves within the ear become inflamed.
- Contains powerful anti-oxidants that guard against the unavoidable damage caused by our environment. These include noise over 85 decibels (about the sound of a hairdryer), and toxins in our food, water, the air around us, and all the products that we use on a daily basis (washing up liquid, powder, make up, cleaning products, etc.)
- Zenith Labs Hearing X3 is paleo friendly, non-GMO, and made using the highest of manufacturing standards. It’s also manufactured wholly in the USA.
- The team at Zenith Labs have used the most cutting edge research into hearing loss and natural products to create Hearing X3.
The Cons
- Ok, so a word of caution. Even though Zenith Labs Hearing X3 is made from all natural products, those on prescription meds should always consult their health care provider before commencing use. This is because even natural products can interact with certain drugs – so it’s better to be safe than sorry
The Bottom Line
D’you know…? We honestly think that Zenith Labs have done it again. They really have pulled a blinder with Hearing X3, because this super powerful, all natural, cutting edge health supplement could honestly be a lifeline to anyone suffering from age related hearing loss.
And guess what…? You don’t even need to take our word for it. Because Zenith Labs Hearing X3 comes with a no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely happy. Even if the bottle’s empty… And that, we have to say, is certainly putting your money where your mouth is, that’s for sure…
Every claim made by the makers of Hearing X3 is backed by real, valid scientific research. For anyone worried about their hearing, this supplement could be the best purchase you ever make. And it certainly gets that thumbs up from us…