The Answer To Target Lethargy, ‘Brain Fog’, Irritability, Memory Loss And More In Just A Simple Supplement..! Come On, Guys – If Such A Thing Existed, Wouldn’t We Already Know About It…?
There must be so many of us that suffer from symptoms such as lethargy (yep, we probably all know that one), mood imbalance, irritability, low energy, feeling run down (especially in the afternoons), memory loss, lightheadedness, brain fog… The list goes on. And you’ve probably spoken to your doctor about it on more than one occasion. So when we came across PuraThrive Liposomal B12, a supplement that claims to reverse the cause, we were immediately interested.
Of course, we were also immediately cynical. Because if there’s such a simple fix, then why on earth aren’t doctors the world over telling their patients to take it? So, that left us with only one option to take – and that was to get down and dirty with exactly what PuraThrive B12 was all about. After all, if you’re considering putting something into your body, then you deserve to have all the information possible before doing so.
Below is what we discovered. And although we say so ourselves, it certainly makes for some thought provoking reading…
What do you get for your money with PuraThrive Liposomal B12?
OK, so what PuraThrive Liposomal B12 is, is a Vitamin B12 supplement. B12 is an essential vitamin the body needs to function at full speed. It helps in many different ways, but hey – the one you notice the most is your energy levels. And the thing is, the body can’t produce enough of it for good health on its own. So we need to ensure we ingest the right amount on a regular (and that means daily) basis. B12 isn’t found in vegetables, it’s only in red meat and fish – making vegetarians especially at risk of a deficiency.
Vitamin B12 helps the body in the following ways:
- Regulate energy levels: meaning you not only feel more energized, but you don’t suffer those afternoon dips.
- Aids digestion: so you’re body can gain the necessary nutrition it needs from the food you eat, instead of excreting some of the most valuable bits.
- Boosts cognitive function: helping your brain feel sharp and doing away with that dreaded ‘brain fog’.
- Promotes healthy function of the heart: allowing vital oxygen and nutrients to be pumped around the body for the cells to use as they need.
- Helps produce red blood cells: the carriers of oxygen throughout the body.
- Aids the good function of the nervous system.
- Promotes healthy, clear skin: meaning you look and feel fabulous – after all, the skin is a window into the workings of what’s going on inside the body. Good skin = good internal workings.
- Makes hair thicker and fuller: and who doesn’t love having healthy, thick, beautiful hair?
- Supports an overall sense of wellbeing: something we all aspire to, and that vitamin B12 has a major role in helping to support.
And it also does much more – far more than we’ve got time to list in this short review. PuraThrive B12 is provided in a simple liquid form that you take daily in a small glass of water or juice. Or, if you prefer, you can add it to your favorite smoothie blend.
>> Click Here To Get Purathrive Liposomal B12 Now <<
Who is PuraThrive Liposomal B12 for?
As we mentioned earlier, vegetarians are at high risk of being deficient in vitamin B12, simply because the only place it’s found is in red meat and fish. But in addition, many meat eaters are also lacking – often through no fault of their own. If you find yourself lacking in energy, feeling down or depressed, not being able to think as sharply as you used to, or suffering from mood swings, then it could be down to simply being deficient in vitamin B12.
In addition, PuraThrive Liposomal B12 is also something that can be advantageous to those over the age of 65. A study has shown that both men and women in this age bracket with low levels of B12 are 70% more likely to suffer from low moods and/or depression. It’s also been shown that ensuing correct levels of vitamin B12 can help to support a healthy pregnancy.
So why is PuraThrive Liposomal B12 better than other supplements on the market?
The thing is, when taking vitamin B12 in supplement form it can be hard for the body to actually digest it. This is because the acid within the stomach simply disintegrates the vitamin right there, within the belly. Unless the vitamin actually makes it into the intestines to be absorbed, you simply pee it right back out again.
The difference with PuraThrive Liposomal B12 is the fact that it’s surrounded by liposomes – these are fats that are very similar to that of your cell walls. What this does is to allow the B12 to pass through the harsh environment of the stomach and into the intestines. Here it can be absorbed, pass into the blood stream and into the cells to be used. What this means is that you’re then getting the full dose of the supplement – and all the benefits that it brings.
The Pros and Cons of PuraThrive Liposomal B12
The Pros
- PuraThrive Liposomal B12 has been rigorously tested, and the manufacturing process used puts all the products though a series of strenuous tests to ensure that the liposomes that surround the vitamin are exactly what’s needed to be to provide the body with the fullest amount of vitamin B12 that it can.
- The company is created within an FDA Certified and Inspected laboratory. It’s wholly created in the USA. In addition the product has been tested to be free of all heavy metals and to be Prop 65 compliant.
- The process used to create the unique liposome coating is produced at room temperature, using only normal room pressure. What this means it that the liposomes are kept intact, meaning that they can truly aid the delivery of the vitamin B12 to the cells – exactly where it needs to go.
- The supplement also includes the nutrient, Fulvic Acid. These have been proven to help dissolve and transport vitamins to the cells. They are vitally important in helping the cells of the body receive the nutrition they need.
>> Click Here To Get Purathrive Liposomal B12 Now <<
The Cons
Well, the bad thing is that PuraThrive Liposomal B12 isn’t available to purchase anywhere in stores. You can’t simply pick up a bottle when you’re out shopping. This means the only place to purchase it is direct from the manufacturer. But what this means is that it can be sold at a cheaper price, because they don’t need to pass any profits only a middleman. And buying it online direct from PuraThrive is simplicity itself. It simply takes a few clicks.
The Bottom Line
Well, we have to say that we did wonder what all the fuss was about. After all, there’s so many B12 supplements on the market, we didn’t understand why PuraThrive Liposomal B12 was making such a song and dance about its product. But that was before we understood exactly what this particular supplement was all about. And we have to admit that we now stand corrected…
If you’re suffering from any of the symptoms such as low mood, mood swings, fatigue, brain fog, or anything else that we’ve mentioned, then it could be down to something as simple as being deficient in B12. And the answer could well be to take PuraThrive Liposomal B12. In addition, thanks to their 60-day, 100% money back guarantee, you don’t even have to take our word for it! And that makes giving it a try a bit of a no-brainer, in our humble opinion. PuraThrive Liposomal B12 – we think it does exactly as it says on the box. In a nutshell, we love it…!