Can John Robbins Really Tell You Anything Genuinely New About Food & Nutrition…? And Is What He’s Got To Say Actually Worth Paying For…?
The thing is, there’s a lot of nutritional information out there already – and for free. So when we came across John Robbins’s Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package, and saw there was a charge for it, our cynical hackles immediately began to rise. After all – why pay for something if a) you can get it for free and b) if it’s not worth every red cent you shell out for it?

And we’re not stupid … The health of our nation is changing – we know that. And in our advanced technological state you’d think that those health issues would be getting better. But they’re not, they’re getting worse. Diabetes, heart disease, strokes, immune disorders… The list goes on. And it’s scary – downright scary. It’s down to this very reason that whenever we come across a product such as the Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package that we want to check it out. Because the only reason people purchase such a product is to increase their knowledge and ultimately improve their health.
Below is our down and dirty look at exactly what John Robbins’s product is all about. What you read may well surprise you…
What do you get for your money with Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package?
So, in a nutshell, the Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package is your own copy of John Robbins’s live summit presentations. So you get recordings of each and every presentation, as well as various other information. It breaks down like this:
- Downloads of all 25 presentations: each one of which was prepared and delivered by an expert in their individual field. Subjects covered include Affordable Super Foods for Lasting Super Health, Healthy Digestion for a Healthy Life, Healing Foods: our Best Hope for a Livable World, The Optimal Diet for Human Beings, Cook Organic: Not the Planet, and The Four Pillars of Lasting Health…
- Written transcripts: for all of the interviews. This enables you to quickly review and find whatever it is you might be searching for. It also means that you have immediate access to all of their breakthrough tips.
- A group coaching call: that will enable you to put everything you’ve learned from the presentations into action.
- A whole bunch of other stuff: including the Blood Sugar Balancing 30 Day Meal Makeover Package, The 100 Day Vitality Challenge, and Free Groceries and Membership from Thrive Market.
>> Click To Get The Food Revolution Summit Package <<
Who is Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package for?
Well, the Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package is for anyone who wants to be as fit and healthy as possible. Errrr, so that includes everyone, doesn’t it? The thing is, we know that in order to drive food prices down and down that there must be some shortcuts taken along the way. And these shortcuts have certainly made food cheaper to produce. But as the nation’s failing health is proving, it’s truly is detrimental to all of us.
Add to the fact that the media keep confusing us with conflicting information; Eat this! Don’t eat this! Do this exercise! Don’t do this exercise! Can you blame us all for not understanding. What the Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package does is give real, honest information about nutrition that’s easy to follow and simple to understand. And some of what’s included is pretty mind blowing, that’s for sure…
Who the heck is John and Ocean Robbins?
Well, John has a list of achievements as long as your arm (and the arm of the person next to you too…). He’s a bestselling author, social activist, and humanitarian. He’s also a recipient of the Rachel Carson Award, the Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award, the Peace Abbey’s Courage of Conscience Award, and Green America’s Lifetime Achievement Award. This is the ‘go to’ guy for anything to do with nutrition, health, inspiration, environmentalism, and the ethical treatment of animals. They also bring to you the Plant Powered and Thriving program.
The Pros and Cons of Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package
The Pros
- Every single part of the Food Revolution Summit presentations is included. This means that you can download them and listen any time and anywhere you want – as many times as you want. You can also share all of the crucial information contained within them with your friends and family.
- You get easy to understand, sensible, and factual information on nutrition that all the big companies (you know, McDonalds, Pepsi and Monsanto et al.) don’t really want you to know.
- Discover why those fad diets simply cause your weight to yo-yo, and do you more harm than good.
- You’ll get information that once and for all will clear up all the doubts about what you should be eating to truly improve the health of your body.
>> Click To Get The Food Revolution Summit Package <<
The Cons
- Well, the only ‘con’ we can come across is if you truly don’t believe that you can eat for better health. And d’you know what – if you think that way you probably won’t be reading this anyway, and if you are – well, we challenge you to take that step and see what the Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package is really all about. Because it might just change your life…
The Bottom Line
Well, John Robbins certainly knows his stuff, we have to admit that. And with all the incredible other knowledge that’s gone into making the Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package, we don’t think that there’s much else out there right now that’s as comprehensive and informational. But the great thing is that you don’t even need to take our word for it, because the product comes with a no questions asked, 30 day, 100% money back guaranteed if you’re not completely satisfied.
And that, in our humble opinion, makes the choice to give it a go a very simple one. After all, what’s more important than your health? And if the Food Revolution Summit Empowerment Package can help with your knowledge on how to improve it, then why wouldn’t you. Happy learning, people, and happy eating…