Walk-In Lab Review – Is This Service Worth It?

Blood Tests On Demand…? Without A Doctor’s Order…? Why On Earth Would You Want Them, And What Purpose Does This DIY Option Serve…?

walk in lab reviewMany of us are becoming aware that we need to take charge of our own health. Let’s face it – going to see the physician is not only time consuming and expensive, but it seems that more and more of us are becoming disillusioned with what orthodox medicine can provide us with.

Of course, in so many cases blood tests are vital to both detect and prevent disease. But simply visiting the doc and asking to be tested can be met with a) raised eyebrows and b) a hefty expense bill. But Walk-in Lab offers a very real solution to this: the tests you want, when you want them, and at affordable prices.

All sounds a little bit easy, doesn’t it…? So we wanted to find out if the process was as simple as it sounds. Not to mention if this was a truly legitimate service. Cue a deep dive into exactly what Walk-in Lab was really all about…And if you’re thinking of taking advantage of it, you’re gonna be real interested in what we found out…OR if you have your mind made up, just click here for the best deals.

What do you get for your money with Walk-In Lab?

So… Using the services of Walk-in Lab is a very simple process. It goes like this.

  • Find Your Local Lab: The Walk-in Lab website covers pretty much all of the US, so it’s easy to find a lab close to where you live. Simply use the user-friendly website to discover the one closest to you.
  • Order Your Blood Tests: The website has made it really easy to search for the blood work you want carried out. You can search by categories, use the menu bar, or simply type in the name of the test/s you require. You’ll need to register the first time you use the site, and from then on it’s just a case of logging in each time you visit. Depending on the tests you choose, you’ll either receive a Lab Order or a Home Test Kit. But don’t worry, the on-screen instructions make it extremely clear as to what you need to do next.
  • Visit Your Local Lab: You’ll need to take a printed copy of the Lab Order with you. There’s also a long description included for each test, so you know exactly how to prepare. It’s advisable to make an appointment with your chosen lab to prevent unnecessary waiting when you arrive.
  • Receive Your Results: Once these are ready you’ll get a notification email. Most tests are ready in 1-2 days, but others may take longer. When you first order the tests you’ll get detailed information that also explains how long the results take to come through. Once ready, you can login to your confidential account. From here you can display, save, print, or, if you require, forward the results to your physician by fax.

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Who is Walk-In Lab for?

We all need blood tests – either on occasion or, for many, on a regular basis. Walk-in Lab offers a far, far less expensive solution than simply going through your physician. And once you’ve got the results, you can take them along to the doc for analysis, if need be.

But for many of us, having bloodwork done is all about the prevention of illness and disease. For example, if there’s a hereditary condition in your family, why wouldn’t you take steps to ensure that you don’t fall foul as well. And if you do…? Well, the earlier you find out, the better. Because then you can take the necessary steps to help stop such a problem progressing.

Is it safe and secure?

In a word – yes! Walk-in Lab adheres to strict privacy and HIPAA policies. This means that you, and only you, have access to your test results. In fact, the only difference between having your blood tests organized by your health care provider or Walk-in Lab, is the price! And believe us, bloods done via the Walk-in Lab service are way, way cheaper than what you’ll pay via any other route…

The Pros and Cons of Walk-In Lab

The Pros

  • No doctor’s order necessary. Simply choose the tests you require, print of the lab order, and you’re good to go.
  • Costs up to 85% less than having blood work done via your physician.
  • Completely confidential – only you are able to access results via the Walk-in Lab secure portal.
  • Nationwide service – uses only the best labs across the county, all of which are under strict health regulations.

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The Cons

  • The biggest con…? Well, that’s got to be that your physician makes so much profit any time he sends you for blood tests…! With Walk-in Lab you can get your tests done at up to 85% less cost, thanks to the direct-to-consumer prices the service lets you take advantage of.

The Bottom Line

OK, so Walk-in Lab isn’t the only company offering such a service. But it is the only direct lab provider that combines such a low cost with a true customer satisfaction guarantee. And we all know how expensive it is to look after your health. So being able to get blood tests carried out at a far lower cost can only be a good thing. Not to mention not needing a doctor’s order to have the exact tests you want, when you want them.

When it comes to your health, this is a superb service. Believe us, we certainly won’t be getting our doc to arrange our blood tests in the future. We’ll be using the services of Walk-in Lab. Truly a great product, and one that your physician definitely won’t be telling you about, that’s for sure…

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