Seriously! Another ‘Guaranteed’ Workout Program That Promises To Get Rid Of That Belly Fat Once And For All To Reveal That Beautiful Six Pack Below!
If you’re anything like us, you’ve become a bit jaded when it comes to all these different workout regimes that target not only the fat around your middle, but you’re desperation to get rid of it as well! So when we came across Clark Shao’s Six Pack Shortcuts 2, we have to admit to stifling a rather large yawn as we read the blurb for it.
However, the one thing that piqued our interest was when we saw that not only was Mr. Clark offering a training program that targeted this problem area, but that it was also tackling it from within – by focusing on hormones. This was one of the major reasons we decided that this program was worth taking a closer look at. Below is what we discovered…
What do you get for your money with Six Pack Shortcuts 2?
Okay, so Six Pack Shortcuts 2 is, as the name suggests, the new and updated version of the highly successful Six Pack Shortcuts program. The whole idea of this ‘done for you’ program, is to give you the exact blueprint of what you need to do to drop that belly fat get the abs (and body) you deserve. It breaks down like this:
- The Six Pack Shortcuts 2 Program: This is a three phase program, comprising of the “Afterburn Training Workouts: that allows you to quickly and efficiently reduce the amount of belly fat you’re carrying and begin the work of stopping any hormone damage. Phase 2 is all about optimizing and supporting the major fat burning hormone – leptin, to take your fat loss to the next level. Step 3 is all about boosting your male hormones, helping to increase fat loss and gain that much desired muscle.
- The Six Pack Meal Plan: Knowing what you should be eating to further boost fat loss and to stabilize your hormone levels is vital. You get a delicious and easy to follow, 2-week nutrition plan in video format that provide you with all the information you need about your diet. And this includes being able to eat such things as steak and potatoes – you know, the kind of food you want to eat…
- Accelerated Abs: As the name suggests, this is a further ab workout program that consists of 21 different 5-minute “Ab Accelerator” workouts.
- Arm Blaster: No prizes here for realizing that this is an extra program that shows you exactly what you need to get those sculpted, beautifully muscled arms in addition to those sex god abs…
- The Six Pack Mobile App: Yep – you can take the Six Pack Shortcuts 2 with you everywhere you go with this free access app, making following the workout videos a synch, wherever your life might take you.
- DVD Set and Instant Online Access: The whole Six Pack Shortcuts 2 program is shipped to you via DVD. But so you don’t have to wait to begin, you get instant access to everything via the member’s only website…
>> Click Here To Get Six Pack Shortcuts 2 Now <<
Who is Six Pack Shortcuts 2 for?
Well, guys… Wanna get those abs back into shape? Wanna look your best and say bye by to that belly fat for ever? Well, this could well be exactly the program you’ve been looking for. The thing is, our bodies naturally decreases in the production of various hormones as we age – and yes, sadly, once you hit that milestone that is 30 – then nature tends to take a hold. But, with the right exercise and nutrition, it really is possible to take back control. By reducing that belly fat you can reduce the level of estrogen that you body produces (and yes, estrogen is a female hormone – and you want to be upping the male hormones, not the female ones….).
What Six Pack Shortcuts 2 targets is the reduction of belly fat, the increase of male hormones and, most importantly, the optimization of the hormone, leptin, that is your body’s most powerful fat burning hormone.
Who is Clark Shao?
Let’s just say that Clark certainly isn’t under-qualified to be giving out this workout tuition. You only need type his name into any search engine to come up with his credentials. For example, he’s certified from the National Federation of Professional Trainers, CPR/AED certified, a Sports Nutrition Specialist, a Weight Training Specialist, qualified in Human Anatomy and Physiology, Exercise Physiology…. No need to go on, you get the picture, we’re sure.
The Pros and Cons of Six Pack Shortcuts 2
The Pros
- Six Pack Shortcuts 2 is not one of these ‘quick fix’ programs that gives transient results that fade quickly. This is all about turning your body shape and hormone balance around – dropping that belly fat that’s so harming your health and body image, and literally turning back the years.
- The science behind the program is proven and sound. Men’s Health recently reported the fact that belly fat contains aromatase, an enzyme that converts those much needed male hormones into estrogens – the female sex hormone…
- The workouts and nutrition program included target not only the fat that you’re carrying, but the reasons that you’re carrying it. And by increasing and stabilizing those damn hormones will make your workout efforts so very much more powerful.
- You begin to see results right from the first stage of the program – and these results continue to get better and better as you work your way through.
>> Click Here To Get Six Pack Shortcuts 2 Now <<
The Cons
- OK guys, as with anything that’s worth doing, there’s no magic button to make that belly fat drop away. You are going to have to stick with the program to see results. But the great thing is
that you’ll start looking and feeling better within days of beginning Six Pack Shortcuts 2. And if seeing those results so soon don’t give you the kick up the ass you need to continue onwards, well, you’re probably going to have to resign yourself to being a fatty for the rest of your life (and put up with not only looking like c*@p, but the health issues it brings along with it – your choice!).
The Bottom Line
Listen up! Having got down and dirty with all that Six Pack Shortcuts 2 has to offer, we have to say – it rocks! We love the fact that this isn’t simply a targeted abs program – but that it works on the very reason you’ve got that ugly belly fat in the first place… But hey, if you’re still not convinced, you don’t even need to take our word for it. Because Six Pack Shortcuts 2 comes with an iron-clad, 100%, 60 day money back guarantee. Giving you more than enough time to find out if the program works for you. Makes giving Six Pac Shortcuts 2 a try a bit of a no-brainer, in our humble opinion. After all, you’ve got nothing to lose (except the belly fat), but there’s a hell of a lot to gain…