Come On, Guys… Not Another ‘Guaranteed’ Method Of Losing That Stubborn Body Fat – And This Time, Without Breaking Into A Sweat Or Ever Going Hungry… After All, If It Was That Simple, We’d All Be A Skinny Size Zero, Wouldn’t We…?

The thing that we hate most about being overweight (apart from the fat, that is), is the ability of a clever advertiser to tap right into our emotional zone. And by playing on our insecurities, they make us putty in their hands when it comes to spending our money…
So when we came across The Keto Burn Protocol, which promises to show you a ‘metabolic hack’ that will make your fat simply melt away, we were naturally extremely cynical. And people – if you’re anything like us, then you’ve probably bought into one (or many) of these ‘guaranteed weight loss’ products in the past. Only to lose a few pounds, and then put it all – and more – back on again…
Of course, this meant we had to dig deep into what The Keto Burn Protocol was really all about. And if you’re wondering whether or not to purchase, then you need to read what we found out BEFORE you spend a single dime. We promise you, it’ll be a couple of minutes very well spent…or if you already have your mind set, click here to grab it now.
What do you get for your money with Keto Burn Protocol?
Okay, so The Keto Burn Protocol is a weight loss product. And it’s one that some are touting as ‘the holy grail of weight loss for men and women’. Wow – sounds good, eh? And the whole ethos behind the program is that we’ve all been trying to lose weight the wrong way for years – decades
But, new research has proven that the reason we’re all getting so thick around the belly simply isn’t our fault. And that in order to rectify this, all we need do reignite a hidden fat burning switch within our body. It’s all about turning your body into one that burns the fat trapped inside your cells, rather than using the sugar most of us provide it with by eating way too many carbs. And this is called, ‘ketosis’. We’ll explain more about what this means in a moment.
The Keto Burn Protocol is a ‘done for you’ diet plan, and breaks down like this:
- The Keto Burn Phase One Protocol: This is the ‘launch’ phase, where you begin to retrain your body to burn fat for fuel. You follow a full 7-day diet plan, with each meal strictly designed to bring your body into ketosis in the shortest amount of time possible. It’s been designed by John Sims and his scientist partner, Chris Gardner, along with a select group of highly experienced doctors and nutritionalists.
- The Keto Burn Phase Two Protocol: Once you’re body is in ketosis, and burning fat like a machine, you need to keep it there. This is a full 30-day protocol that will maintain your system at the peak of its fat burning power. And, naturally, you’ll begin to see the weight drop off – as if by magic.
- Fully set out meals and ingredients: Yes, each stage is completely mapped out for you. It details exactly what to buy, how much of it, and how to prepare it. And don’t worry, you don’t need to be a kitchen whizz to create the delicious dishes – any keen amateur can easily knock them up
- Computer, tablet, and cell phone friendly: The complete Keto Burn Protocol is available by immediate download to whichever device you prefer (or all of them, if you like). That means no waiting to start your fat burning journey, and you can carry it with you wherever you go.
- A no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee: If you’re not completely satisfied, simply ask for a refund within the first 60 days, and every red cent of your purchase price will be returned.
Who is Keto Burn Protocol for?
Overweight? By a little or a lot? Over 40? Then The Keto Burn Protocol is just what you need. And the great thing is that it doesn’t matter how overweight you are, how old you are, how fit (or otherwise) you are, or whether you’re male or female. Because The Keto Burn Protocol really does work for all of us.
>> Ready To Give Keto Burn Protocol a Try? Click Here To Get Started Risk Free <<
So who on earth is John Sims?
So, Sims is the brains behind The Keto Fat Protocol. And, we have to say, this guy knows his stuff. He’s a personal trainer, fat loss specialist, and nutritionist, with a string of qualifications to boot. Oh, and he’s also an ex-fatty…! Now, he’s got a long (and we mean really long) sob story about being fat, the breakdown of his marriage, depression, blah, blah, blah…
But this doesn’t really matter, because – get this. He accident discovered during this that by eating a high fat diet, it actually puts your body into a state called ‘ketosis’. And ketosis basically means that your body breaks down that excess fat, and uses it for energy. It’s how our bodies used to work years ago, before we started feeding them a diet of carbs and processed meals. Basically, a high fat, low carb diet literally switches on the body’s ability to burn fat – period!
We have to say, Sims certainly manages to put a spin on what he discovered. But take away the blurb, and you can see why he’s so successful at showing others the exact way to ditch that excess fat once and for all.
The Pros and Cons of Keto Burn Protocol
The Pros
- Not only does it aid fat loss, but it re-stabilizes blood sugar levels, and can even reverse Type II Diabetes.
- Losing the fat will reap other health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular health. Imagine being able to walk further (run, even), play with the kids and grandkids, wash the car, tend the garden… You name it, once your health improves along with the weight loss, all these activities will become easy once more.
- In fact, another repercussion of The Keto Burn Protocol is a renewed level of energy and vigor.
- Losing that excess weight do wonders for your confidence, making you feel happier, more confident, sexier, and younger
The Cons
- OK, people. Let’s get real for a moment. Losing weight, however you go about it, is going to be difficult. You simply cannot stuff yourself on high fat foods and expect to miraculously lose weight. But what The Keto Burn Protocol does is provide you with the very precise levels of carbohydrates you need (because yes, you do need them), and then the amount of fat you need to include in your diet for your body to move into ketosis.
The Bottom Line
D’you know? We were so sure that we were going to be able to expose The Keto Burn Protocol for the rubbish that we were convinced it was. But hey – on occasion we get it wrong. And this time? Well, wrong we certainly were…
Because The Keto Burn Protocol really can help you ditch the lard you’ve been desperately trying to lose for ages. And not only get rid of it, but help you change your eating habits forever, so THE FAT DOESN’T COME BACK. If you’ve got just a tiny iota of willpower, then The Keto Burn Protocol has got the exact plan for you to lose weight and improve your health – fast…! Tens of thousands of people have already done it, and you can too. In a nutshell, it’s awesome…!