A ‘Unique 3-Step Method’ To Eliminate Back Pain Without Medication or Surgery So You Can Get Back To Your Workouts ASAP! If Only Life Were So Simple, Eh…!
If you’ve ever suffered from back pain blighting your workout efforts, then no doubt you’ve tried every method under the sun to banish the debilitating condition from your life. But when Mike Westerdal says that he’s highlighted a unique 3-step method that he’s calling ‘4 Tactics to Eliminate Back Pain’ that no-one else will tell you about, then we have to admit to being a tad cynical as to the effectiveness.
Fix My Back Pain is a brand new product that’s been released by this fitness guru. And if you’ve ever wondered how some people can train week in, week out without any type of back injury, then apparently this is the way they do so.
Sounds great, eh! But life is never that simple – and we’re sure you know that all too well. So we decided it was only right that we got down and dirty with Fix My Back Pain, to see if it really can do what it says on the label, or if it’s just a way to swell the bank balance of its creator.
And what we discovered certainly makes for interesting reading.
What do you get for your money with Fix My Back Pain?
Okay, so Fix My Back Pain is the masterpiece of Mike Westerdal, in conjunction with tactics that were taught to him by injury specialist and exercise physiologist, Rick Kaselj, MS. And it’s based on the following four strategies:
- Tactic 1: If you’re sitting down, get up and do this exercise – And this is so very important is that we spend so much of our lives sitting down. In bed, at the breakfast table, in the car, at the office desk, on the commuter train, back home in front of the TV, and so on and so on… So the number one exercise that can alleviate back pain is the standing back extension, which has proven beneficial for around 95% of people with back pain.
- Tactic 2: Don’t get stuck in the vicious back pain cycle – that blights so many people. Your back gets tight so you take some anti-inflammatories and ice the sore spot. In a couple of days it eases, so you get back to your workout regime. But it gets worse, so you see a doctor, who refers you for an MRI. Next step is to see a physical therapist, who might refer you for ultrasound, electrical stimulation, more ice packs – you know the score. Then come the cortisone jabs, and sooner or later, someone’s gonna suggest surgery. And how much money (let alone time and pain) has that little lot end up costing you, and you’re still not cured…
- Tactic 3: Deal with the root of the problem, not the symptoms – Sounds sensible, right. But stretching and strengthening won’t work until your lower back has been reshaped into a pain free lumbar spine. And it’s this that you’ll learn in tactic number 4…
- Tactic 4: Reshaping your lower back can actually be easy – with the Back Reshaping 3-Part Method. This has been invented by Kinesiologist, Rick Kaselj, MS, a guy with a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science and over 16 years of proven, hands on experience in back pain.
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Who is Fix My Back Pain for?
Well, if you’ve ever suffered the discomfort, pain or downright agony (depending on where you are in the back pain cycle) of lower back pain, then Fix My Back Pain could have been designed specifically for you. And it doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, male or female, fit or unfit – this method is designed, in simple terms, for the human body.
But even if you’ve never been that worried about your back, nor suffered serious pain, then you’ll still be likely to benefit from the methods shown in Fix My Back Pain. Because the stresses and strains of everyday life affect everyone’s back. And prevention is better than cure, in the case of anyone who works out or just wants to safeguard against back pain that might well affect them in the future.
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Who is Mike Westerdal & Rick Kaselj?
Mike is certainly one of the big guns when it comes to fitness training. With a celebrity A-list client base and a pretty hot body himself, it’s obvious that his methods work. But what a lot of people don’t know is the Mr. Westerdal is a former lower back pain sufferer himself. Sick and tired of losing training days (not to mention being in pain), he decided to do something about it. Cue his relationship with Rick Kaselj, his recovery and now his desire to share the knowledge contained in Fix My Back Pain with fellow fitness and back pain suffers.
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The Pros and Cons of Fix My Back Pain
The Pros
- Fix My Back Pain is not just a way of masking pain. It’s intended to do exactly what it says in the title – and fix the problem for good.
- Unlike orthodox medicine and treatments, there’s no need for expensive treatments or – horror of horrors – going under the knife to fix the problem once and for all. And the exercises and methods work 100% naturally with your body to re-align your spine, sort out your muscle tone and get you back to workout strength – once and for all.
- There’s no need to put an end to your training and workouts. Because you do what you do because you love it. And the last thing you want is some doctor telling you that you need to ‘slow down,’ or give up lifting weights, running, swimming or doing whatever it is that gives you the oomph to get out of bed in the morning. Fix My Back Pain will sort the root of the problem, leaving you free to do whatever sport it is that you love.
- Back pain is often a by-product of an injury to another part of the body – such as a knee, hip or other joint problem. And although you might think that it’s been fixed, you’re then left with a nagging back problem because you’ve over compensated for it. Fix My Back Pain can sort lingering issues that you might’ve been putting up with for years…
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The Cons
- Well, we’re all taught to listen to our doctor, right! But the thing is, orthodox medicine is very narrow-minded. If they can’t stick a needle in it, give you drugs for it, manipulate it or cut you open to fix it, then to be
honest, most doctors won’t give it a second thought. But if you think about it, realizing that you need to re-align your spine and muscle tone through exercise makes perfect sense. And once you open your mind to other possibilities than those that your doctor suggests, then prepare to be amazed…
The Bottom Line
So, we have to say that we’re pretty damn impressed with Fix My Back Pain. From thinking that this was gonna be some hocus pocus product simply designed to make it’s creators a bit of extra cash, we’ve been completely converted.
You get a complete video course that gives you all the information you need to reshape your back, as well as injury specific exercises. Fix My Back Pain has been proven to work with all types of back issues, such as sprains, strains, disc herniation and bulges, sciatica, spinal stenosis, spondylolysis and many other conditions.
But you don’t need to take our word for it, because Fix My Back Pain comes with a no-quibble, 100% money back guarantee. So you get to try it for 60 whole days, and if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can get every red cent of your money back. And you can’t say much fairer than that…