The Supermodel Secret For A Booty Transformation? Hang On, Don’t They Look That Way Because They Have Personal Trainers And Don’t Eat Anything…?
Okay, so when we came across the Brazil Butt Lift program that promises you’ll get ‘supermodel sexy in 60 days’ then we have to admit that we were immediately somewhat cynical. After all, supermodels have the money, the time (and the willpower to starve themselves) and the personal trainers that help hone them into fantastic shape.
So can a home workout regime really compete? We decided that it was time to do an in-depth discovery into exactly what the Brazil Butt Lift is all about, and if it can honestly get you into shape to bare all in the upcoming summer months…
What do you get for your money with Brazil Butt Lift?
Right, so Brazil Butt Lift is a dance, cardio and body sculpting program that works all the major muscles of your buttocks – by using the TriAngle Training method. Produced by Leandro Carvalho, it claims that over half a million people are getting ‘supermodel sexy’ using this very regime.
What you get is six separate workout programs that work on the following:
- The Basics: A 20 minute workout that works on basic dance and booty moves designed to reduce the fat around your hips and thighs, and work the muscles in your butt so it lifts, but without creating any bulk.
- Bum Bum: Actually pronounced ‘boom boom,’ this is a tough 35 minute program that works the three major muscles of your butt – the medius, maximus and minimus. This is the base of the TriAngle training system.
- High and Tight: Because who doesn’t want a high and tight butt. But this 35 minute program comes with an added bonus, and that’s that it doesn’t cause your thighs to bulk up, as so many butt workouts tend to do.
- Sculpt: 50 minutes of rocking moves that works all the muscles of the butt from countless different angles.
- Cardio Axe: Because cardio is a necessary part of any workout. This 30 minute workout will whizz by, as you enjoy the music, dance moves and sheer fun that it provides.
- Tummy Tuck: Let’s face it, you can’t have a great butt without having a wonderful tummy. The muscles all work in conjunction with each other, so not only will you have a supermodel backside, but a super hard tummy as well.
Brazil Butt Lift requires you to work out for 5 or 6 days a week, and has four separate schedules that are based on both your personal goals and your body type. This makes it ideal for anyone at any level of fitness.
>>Click Here To Get Brazil Butt Lift<<
Who is Brazil Butt Lift for?
Well, ladies – who doesn’t want a butt to die for? But most of us don’t want to spend countless hours slogging in hot and sweaty gyms to get it. If you enjoy dance, if you enjoy exercise but don’t want to dedicate endless hours to working out, then Brazil Butt Lift is a great choice. And because it’s fun to follow, you don’t even realize quite how hard you’re working out.
Another great thing is that it doesn’t matter what your level of fitness is before you start. Super fit, in generally good shape or even couch potato, Brazil Butt Lift has enough flexibility to suit everyone.
>>Click Here To Get Brazil Butt Lift<<
Who is Leandro Carvalho?
Leandro is Brazilian born – as you’d expect from a guy who uses Brazilian dance moves to train himself and his long list of clients. Vogue magazine have put him in their top 100 list of Brazilians who make New York! He’s a dancer by trade, and after gaining a degree in physical education, be began creating fitness programs. He’s trained thousands of emergency workers, and has gained practically every fitness based qualification you can think of.
His penchant for dance based workouts came from the need for dancers rehabilitation and injury prevention. He therefore began to create fitness programs dedicated to this, and these have received rave reviews the world over. And he also trains many supermodels, helping them define and tone their bodies so they’re the best in the business…
>>Click Here To Get Brazil Butt Lift<<
The Pros and Cons of Brazil Butt Lift
The Pros
- One of the best things about Brazil Butt Lift is that it’s FUN. And we mean serious fun. Sweating your guts out lifting weights or running the treadmill road to nowhere is possibly one of the most boring things on the planet. But a workout that’s accompanied by fantastic sounds as well as kick ass dance moves will keep you motivated as you work towards your goals.
- When compared with similar sounding programs, such as Zumba and Booty Slide, Brazil Butt Lift has a huge advantage. And that’s that it also provides you with a fitness guide and nutrition plan. After all, what you feed into your body has as much an effect as the workouts you undergo when it comes to results.
- There’s no worry that the workouts will bulk you up. Because one problem with many butt workouts is that they tend to bulk up your thighs. Btu with carefully structured regimes, you’ll see your butt lift and tighten, and your thighs actually shrink – rather than turning into body builder sized legs…
[wplapdance name=”BrazilButtLift”]
- Plus – if you like food (and who doesn’t), Brazil Butt Lift also gives you a meal plan that’s chockablock with Brazilian inspired recipes. Yummy!
>>Click Here To Get Brazil Butt Lift<<
The Cons
- Okay, we’re not going to pretend that any workout regime doesn’t require a large amount of determination and dedication, and Brazil Butt Lift is no different. But because you’ll have so much fun following the routines, this makes it a synch to stay motivated – plus, of course, the fact that you see results virtually from the word go.
The Bottom Line
So, we were fully expecting to give Brazil Butt Lift a complete blasting. But we couldn’t have been more wrong. Because this is an extremely well structured, easy to follow and fun program that really does provide the results it promises. And we particularly like the fact that it offers advice on nutrition and fitness plans, because so many similar programs fall flat on their face in this respect.
Add in the fact of a 60 day, no-quibble 100% money back guarantee, and this makes trying out Brazil Butt Lift somewhat of a no brainer, in our humble opinion. So, give it a go, because if you stick to it, the program honestly will deliver the results you want. And if you send in a ‘before and after’ picture, then you can get a free pair of sexy shorts as well. Just the thing to show off your supermodel butt this summer…