Can An Amino Acid Supplement like BCAA Matrix Really Help You To Lose Fat? Oh, If Only It Were So Simple…
Okay, so most of us are used to seeing all these advertisements for all these so-called “wonder supplements” that can help us lose weight and body fat. But come on guys, if it were that easy then we’d all have bodies worthy of gods and goddesses, surely?
However, when BioTrust come up with something such as the BCAA Matrix supplement that they claim to help “preserve calorie burning lean muscle as you rapidly lose fat,” then being as these guys usually come up with products that actually do what they promise, then we decided to take a closer look.
After all, we hate being scammed – as we’re sure you do as well. So even though BCAA Matrix really does sound too good to be true, we decided to have a proper look at exactly what it’s all about.
And what we discovered certainly makes for interesting reading…
What do you get for your money with BCAA Matrix?
Right, so BCAA Matrix is a supplement that consists of a potent amino acid blend. And amino acids, or more specifically, branch chain amino acids, really do have the ability to feed muscles and prevent muscle loss during dieting.
However, as the guys at BioTrust rightly say, not all BCAA supplements are created equal. So by creating BCAA Matrix the aim was to produce the very best amino acid supplement on the market today. And they’ve done this by blending three forms of BCAAs, giving three different absorption pathways.
These are as follows:
- The Neutral System: These utilize free form amino acids that travel through what is known as the neutral transport system to the muscles, feeding them and preventing the body from breaking down muscle to use as energy when you’re dieting.
- The Peptide System: By using di-peptide forms of each amino acid, this means that a separate pathway to the muscles is available for them to travel down. This prevents overload of the neutral transport system and the resulting decreased absorption rate of each one.
- The Lipophilic System: Yet another pathway for the amino acids to target the muscles to prevent breakdown. These three separate pathways ensure that that there is considerable reduction in absorption competition, meaning that the BCAA Matrix supplement is the most potent and absorbable on the market today.
- Free Form BCAAs, Peptide Bonded BCAAs and Ethyl Esters: By using three different forms of amino acids, this is how it’s possible to utilize three separate pathways to target your lean muscle.
==>Click Here To Get BCAA Martix Now <==
- I may earn compensation for my review of the Biotrust Nutrition products discussed on this website.
Who is BCAA Matrix for?
Want to lose weight? Carrying a bit (or a lot) of extra fat – especially belly fat – then BCAA Matrix supplement is one of the most powerful additions you can take to help your dieting efforts start firing towards your target weight goal. And it’s suitable for men, women, young and old, plus it matters not a jot about your level of fitness.
You might be a couch potato who’s decided that the time has come to get your figure back, perhaps you’ve struggle with weight issues all your life. Or you might be a fitness addict who just needs to lose those final couple of pounds before a big competition. Whatever state your body might be in, if you want to lose belly fat or all over fat, then BCAA Matrix can make your dieting efforts take effect at the fastest rate possible.
==>Click Here To Get BCAA Martix Now <==
Who is BioTrust Nutrition?
BioTrust Nation is the brainchild of two fitness and nutrition experts who became severely frustrated by the lack of genuine diet supplements on the market. Josh and Joel Marion were also dismayed at the amount of products available that were jam packed full of other products that you really didn’t want to ingest, simply because they were bad for your health.
So, if you want to do a job right, then you need to do it yourself. And that’s the ethos on which BioTrust Nation was born.
And it seem that they’ve got it right, because there are thousands of satisfied customers worldwide. And BioTrust Nation has carved itself out a well-earned reputation for providing supplements that not only do what they say on the label, but also work in harmony with the body and are completely safe for everyone to take.
==>Click Here To Get BCAA Martix Now <==
The Pros and Cons of BCAA Matrix
The Pros
- By targeting your lean muscle (which is the component of your body responsible for helping you lose fat at the fastest rate possible), then BCAA Matrix really can help you gain your target weight faster than you imagined possible.
- Research has shown that a BCAA blend that has a high level of leucine can honestly help target that unsightly belly fat. And BCAA Matrix has a double dose of leucine in its potent blend.
- Proven and specific research has proven that the blend and ratio of amino acids that make up BCAA Matrix means that it provides unparalleled deliverability to the lean muscle of your body.
- BCAA Matrix is safe for anyone to take – after all, it only contains amino acids and nothing else that could be considered as unhealthy to ingest into the body.
- It comes with an incredible 1 year, no questions asked guarantee. Meaning that at any time in the 12 months post-purchase, if you decide that it’s really not for you, then you can ask for a refund of every red cent of the purchase price. Period!
==>Click Here To Get BCAA Martix Now <==
The Cons
- Alright, taking BCAA Matrix and not eating a sensible diet and combining it with exercise isn’t going to make you lose weight on it’s own. After all, it’s not a miracle product! But what it does do is accelerate your weight loss efforts as part of a controlled diet. And once you start seeing the results, not to mention the speed at which they happen, then you’ll be inspired onwards to speed ever faster towards your target goal.
The Bottom Line
Well, what a difference to find a genuine supplement that honestly can live up to all the advertising hype. But not only that, the biggest plus point for us is that it’s completely safe to take, with no crazy side effects or long term health issues that occur with so many other forms of diet supplements.
But then, we’ve come to expect as much from the BioTrust products. No bull, no fluff, no crazy claims. Just real and safe products that do exactly what they profess to do. And the BCAA Matrix supplement delivers exactly that.
Well done, guys. It makes a refreshing change…

* I may earn compensation for my review of the Biotrust Nutrition products discussed on this website.
Want to see how BCAA Matrix is better? Learn more by watching the video.